Who I Am

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My past haunts me,

Every night around three,

It reminds me how much I've changed,

Because now I want a master's degree,

I'm strong,

Although I do a lot of things wrong,

Music is valuable in my life,

I'm always listening to different songs,

Becoming a band director is my plan,

Rather than being a fisherman,

Attending Marshall is my dream,

I need as many scholarships as I can,

I'm alone,

And on my own,

I barely have any friends,

Everyone sees me as being "unknown,"

Nature is unique,

It's like an antique,

I'm always out exploring,

Running through "Pine Creek,"

I'm very mysterious,

And serious,

Since I'm very clumsy,

It makes me imperious,

Every since I was nine,

I never had a Valentine,

But now I have food,

And it's all mine,

I want to visit Amsterdam,

Maybe even Birmingham,

This poem is sentimental,

Because it explains who I am.

February 12th, 2017

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