Across The Way

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The glare,

Fills my sight,

I stare,

Preparing to ignite,

They give me a smirk,

Butterflies appear,

Unconcentrated on my work,

I look up as their head veered,

The heart is beating,

All I can do is smile,

Every day you're always fleeting,

and never causing rile,

I fit wasn't for the eyes,

I wouldn't like you,

As the world around me turns clockwise,

You're the only thing in my view,

The phone,

Is where your face practically stays,

No expression is shown,

Bit only a gaze,

These thoughts,

Are all of him,

It's like connect the dots,

But made out of scrim,

I can't escape,

He formed these feelings,

Each recorded on a memory tape,

Without any dealings,

The room is quiet,

Although it's us two,

The brain is throbbing like a riot,

Except there's nothing to look into,

It makes no sense,

Out of all of the guys,

At this thence,

You make me mesmerized,

Falling deeper,

With every look,

My heart continues to weeper,

It was the main thing you took,

The eyes lurk around,

Every time ending on me,

With your head facing down,

Holding my lost key,

He's all I want,

During the night at three,

It's beginning to be a haunt,

Because I'm the last thing you see.

February 10th, 2018

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