Chapter 2: The First Quest

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You know, the Kingdom was once peaceful, right? There were adventurers all around, and absolutely no violence. That all changed, though.


Carefully descending the stairway, Cassidy took note of the countless spiderwebs and dust lining the ceiling and floor. As she stepped onto the bottom, she could hear tiny nails and squeaks across the room.

It probably would have been an easy job, but the room was pitch black. No light came through anything and the only area illuminated was a few feet past her and nothing else. How reassuring.

"Where are the damn lights?" Cassidy groaned as she fumbled in darkness, feeling her way towards the nonexistent light switch.

After going a couple steps, she gave up her search and just decided to go where her gut told her to. Or her ears. As she walked forward, she could hear the sound of the squeaks grow louder. Finally, her head smacked against the back wall, and the squeaking was right next to her.

Perhaps it's a mouse hole, Cassidy thought, shrugging.

Her hand felt towards her left side, trying to find the source of the rats. She expected an entrance in the wall. Instead, her hand hit a tube-like object... with a handle. Quickly, she realized it was a tap in the "on" position. She swore she felt a furry creature crawl out of the tube.

"Ewww!" she exclaimed as she pulled her hand away from the faucet. Then, with caution, she felt for the handle again and turned it off.

"That should do it... I guess?"

As Cassidy turned around, her leg hit a glassy object, which she bent down to pick up. After feeling around the shape, she quickly found out it was an electric lamp.

"Well that's convenient," Cassidy sighed as she switched the lamp on.

In a second, light filled the vast basement and illuminated... a thousand furry creatures. With ears. And a tail. And a long snout.

"Jesus christ-" she nearly dropped the lamp. "What the hell?!"

The rat in the front made some sort of squeak and pointed at her, then all the rats made a squeak in response and leapt towards Cassidy.

"Holy shit!" she screeched, jumping up and running as fast as her legs could take her.

Luckily, the advantage of light made it much easier to find her way AND show her objects in the basement. Cassidy's eyes quickly scanned around the basement for useful weapons against the rodents. She was a fast runner, but she could hear their tiny paws patter against the ground, like rain. At last, she spotted a container on a crate with a skull symbol on it.

Skidding to a stop, Cassidy snatched the container, covered her mouth and nose, then aimed the spray directly towards the army of rats and pressed hard on the nozzle.

Nothing happened. She tried again. Nothing. At this point, all the rats had stopped to watch what she attempted to do. They must have pitied her.

"Stupid fucking- Ugh!" Cassidy raged as she slammed the container onto the ground. Before she could react, the can broke and a noxious vapor floated out from the broken canister.

Then, she heard the sound of a thousand rats dying and a couple killing themselves because even though the vapor didn't kill them, it smelled so bad their will to live died away with their sense of smell.

After a good twenty seconds, all that was left was a broken can on the ground, a bunch of dead rats, and a tiny, black mouse slowly making its way towards her.

When Cassidy thought it would stop right in front of her, it bumped into her ankle just like she crashed into the wall.

"Hm? What's wrong, little guy?" she asked as she bent down. Upon further inspection, Cassidy noticed that the mouse's eyes were closed.

The tiny creature quickly got back up and turned its head towards her. Somehow, Cassidy felt a strong emotional connection to a mouse she literally just met a minute ago.

"You know what?" she picked the mouse up and began walking towards the exit. "I think I'll take you with me. You don't deserve to be grouped with those furry freaks."

Opening the door back to the tavern, Cassidy found herself to be greeted by Bart, who smiled at her from behind the counter.

"So, did you solve the problem?" he asked. Then, he glanced over at the mouse on her hand. "And I see that you made a new friend!"

Crashing down into a seat, Cassidy responded, "You bet. It was a scarring event for me so you better appreciate it."

"What was the source?" Bart poured a cup of water and set it in front of her. "I'm a bit curious to find out."

After taking a drink of water, Cassidy motioned screwing a tap with her wrist. That was the only explanation Bart needed, because he nodded slowly and asked no further questions.

"Ah. I guess that might be a way."

Turning around, he opened a drawer and pulled out a bag.

"In any case, I'll take your word for it and pay you!" he handed Cassidy the bag. "Two hundred meat, just as I promised."

"Thanks, Bart. Say, do you think I have what it takes to be an adventurer?"

Bart shrugged.

"You were able to solve my problem, so I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to help others out."

Pointing to the mouse, he continued, "Also, if you do become an adventurer, that could be your familiar. Familiars have could assist you in battle and quests."

Cassidy patted the mouse on the head.

"So, this little guy can help me out, huh?" she chuckled as she stood up. "Guess I'll try it out. Thanks for everything, Bart."

"It's no problem. Also, try going over to the mountains, and you'll find a hill with a bird sitting on it. He'll tell you all about adventuring."

"I'll definitely do that."

"Good luck adventuring! Tell me your stories!" Bart called out to the girl leaving through the door.

Cassidy smiled and waved back.

"No need to worry, I'll save all the best ones for you!"

The door closed, and Cassidy was on her way to the mountains with her new friend.

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