Chapter 21: The Copperhead Nightclub

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You could either become a Sauceror or a Pastamancer. Each has their own specialties.


The two Copperhead brothers weren't exactly what someone would call accessible. From the looks of the map inside David's journal, Ron Copperhead was way more than just a hop and a skip away, so they decided to skip out on him until after dealing with Shen.

However, finding Shen Copperhead proved to be much harder than it sounded.

Asking around didn't do much, and Allison even thought of calling Shen but as it turned out, he wasn't listed in the local telephone directory. Then, Teresa proposed the ingenious idea of using the Internet.

After one quick search in Google and scrolling past a couple of weird poets and chefs also by the name of Shen Copperhead, the troupe finally found something they could go off of.

There was a location listed on a website called "The Copperhead Nightclub which was right inside Seaside Town, located on the Wrong Side of the Tracks." Inside the comments section of the blog were several confused readers, as to them, the Kingdom was merely a nonexistent place and the map on the site lead them to nowhere.

The gang followed the directions to a flashy looking building at the tracks. The insides were lit, there was laughing and music from the room, and a bright sign reading "The Copperhead Nightclub" shone brightly through the early evening.

"Well, you guys ready?" Cassidy asked.

"If we wait to be ready, we'll be waiting our entire lives," David responded.

"Where did that come from?" Tori asked, confused.

"Sorry. Just from a Netflix show I like."

Readying themselves, the squad stepped forward and and Cassidy pushed the double doors open. As the insides of the Nightclub were revealed, they couldn't help but to gasp at the surroundings.

It was real high-class, decorated in a Far East theme. They even had hostesses in kimonos! However, as Cassidy took a quick glance around, she also noticed a bunch of mob-looking goons... they had better be careful.

Shen might be as dangerous as the rest of them, she thought to herself. We better watch out.

"Hey!" Tori called out to a nearby waiter. "Waiter guy! Where is Shen Copperhead?"

After quickly glancing at the squad, he nodded his head towards the corner of the room.

"Be careful," he muttered as he left, raising Cassidy's suspicion level even higher.

As they entered the room, they found Shen at a corner table, surrounded by two small bodyguards. He was wearing a tuxedo and grinned when he saw the squad. David exchanged glances with the others and stepped forward.

"Greetings, Mr. Copperhead," he addressed in an assertive voice. Yet, his voice shook slightly even behind the mask of confidence. "May I have a moment of your time?"

"Certainly, Mr. Dodson. I'd be delighted."

Shen gave him with a slight bow and flashed a smug, oily smile as he gestured to the chair in front of him.

"Just David will do, Mr. Copperhead," Davud gulped as he sat down with butterflies in his stomach.

"Then please, call me Shen," Shen smiled, showing all of his pearly white teeth.

"This is irrelevant, but," David tugged at his shirt collar. "How- um, do you know my name?"

"I know the names of everyone here," Shen replied, grinning. "You would not have been permitted entry to my club otherwise."

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