Chapter 15: Who You Gonna Call?

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Hey, Kiwi here!

This is the part of the story when things start differing a little bit from the actual plot of the game. Please note that this part is relatively spoiler-free! Now, enjoy!


Do you know why I'm telling you this story? It's because you have the abilities to make things right.


"So, we gotta meet with the Council this afternoon?" Allison asked as she loudly slurped her noodles.

"Please, just shut up while you're eating," Cassidy groaned.

"Yeah dude, can't disgrace Cass's spaghetti like that!" Teresa snorted.

David sat on the couch, crunching on an apple while watching the news.

"Did you hear?" he asked, turning to the girls at the table. "Someone went insane from an apparent ghost possession today..."

"Do ghosts even exist?" Tori asked, setting down her fork. "I've actually never seen one before."

"Well, according to the news, they do..." David sighed. "It was at this hotel up in the mountains."

"Spooky, and I love it!" Ava exclaimed, jumping onto the couch with him.

"I'm kind of hoping that we'll get to do that quest," Cassidy said as she placed her plate in the sink. "It'll be a huge step up from that wild larva chase."

*** Two Hours Later ***

"Are you ready for the quest?" Councilor Five asked the six. "It's a huge step up from that wild larva chase!"

"Called it," Cassidy mumbled.
"Have any of you watched the news recently?" Councilor One asked. "If you did, then you would know about the ghost haunting."

"We just watched it earlier!" Ava remarked. She then paused. "Wait, you mean THAT'S our quest?"

"Exactly!" Councilor Two exclaimed. "You guys will have to exorcise the place."

"What does exorcise mean-" Allison started, but Cassidy kicked her in the shin.

"The hotel is located on top of this place called Spooky Mountain," Councilor Three explained. "We'll give you a map for there."

"No wonder the place is haunted," Teresa smirked.

"Once you get there, tell the staff that you are there to help," Councilor Four said.

"Now, get going, guys!" Councilor Two snapped his fingers and a map appeared in Cassidy's hands. "Those ghosts aren't gonna exorcise themselves!"


The squad stood at the base of the mountain.

"Ready to get those creepy assholes?" Cassidy turned to her group.

All nodding, they followed Cassidy to the lift that would bring them to the top.

"Really?" the tram operator gave them a confused look. "I didn't think anyone would want to go there after what happened."

"Well we have our tickets, don't we?" David shrugged, handing her his ticket.

Eyeing the six suspiciously, the operator took tickets from them and allowed them into the ride.


As the squad neared the top of the ride, a giant building slowly came into view over the cliff. Cassidy could see the nearby forest thickening out and an eerie fog slowly set over the cart. Soon enough, it was difficult to even see ten feet ahead.

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