Chapter 5: My Name is Queen

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Hey, Kiwi here! I'm on vacation so I won't be able to update on time since I'm twelve hours ahead where I'm at. And also, my connection is pretty trash so I might not be able to update at all sometimes. Thanks for understanding!


After the sorceress took over, she casted a powerful spell so that no person who entered the Kingdom was ever allowed to leave.


Knocking at the door of the Council of Loathing, Cassidy waited for a response. She heard a "Come in," so she proceeded to pull the door open and entered the room.

Inside, five people sat high on a large table- three men and two women. The room was relatively bare, but there was another set of doors in the middle of the room, this time open.

Cassidy approached the five councilors and stood before them, slightly nervous from the towering group.

"What business do you have here?" a male councilor with middle-parted hair asked. Cassidy trembled.

"I'm here to apply for adventuring," she responded with a slightly shaky voice.

"Adventuring, huh?" the male remarked. He glanced over at the two women sitting to the left of him.

Then, the female councilor with long, wavy hair questioned, "Full name?"

"Cassidy Ann Quinn."

She saw female reach down and heard the rummaging of paper. After ten seconds, she pulled out a file and opened it.

"Cassidy Ann Quinn, eighteen years old. Born in the outskirts of the Kingdom. Is this information correct?"

Cassidy nodded and she heard the file being placed back in the drawer as it closed.

"I take it that you've already consulted the Toot Oriole?" a male councilor with glasses remarked. "If not, I suggest going to it. You can learn some information on the classes there."

"I- I have already, sir. I want to be a Pastamancer."

"Alright. We'll apply your right away. And your code name?

Slightly startled, Cassidy asked, "Code name?"

"Of course!" the councilor responded, propping his cheek on his fist. "You need a code name to be an adventurer!"

Cassidy contemplated her options for a second. Scanning around the room, she noticed a painting of a crown on the wall. Crown... royalty... queen.

"I'll be Queen," she decided with certainty. She was the queen of her own country. Nobody else would change anything about it.

"Quite a lovely name," the councilor nodded. "We'll apply you right away."

"To learn magic spells and abilities, you can always go over to your guild!" a male with fluffy hair suggested. "Since you're a Mysticality user, your guild is the League of Chef-Magi and it is located on the Right Side of the Tracks north-west from here."

"For now, you can head over to the Department of Costume and choose an outfit for yourself," the woman with oval glasses informed. "You will find if you simply turn left after exiting this building."

"Thank you," Cassidy bowed slightly. "Then I should get going now."

The councilors nodded at her and she turned to exit the building. Sure enough, she turned left and saw a large building with a sign that had the words "DEPARTMENT OF COSTUME" on the front.

Upon entering, she was greeted by a woman wearing a uniform and glasses.

"What do you need a costume for, Miss?" she asked Cassidy.

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