Chapter 12: Into the Woods We Go

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Hey, Kiwi here! Apologies for the short chapter, but I couldn't find a better way to split it up. Sorry!



Six pairs of feet stopped in front of the Council towering before them.

"I believe you asked us over for the map?" Cassidy looked up at her authority figures.

Nodding with a smirk, Councilor Two snapped and the map appeared in Cassidy's hands.

"Now that you have the map, your first quest is to head over to the Distant Woods," Councilor Four explained, pushing up her oval glasses. "Inside the woods, you will find the Spooky Forest." She wrinkled her nose in disgust, and continued, "It obviously isn't the best name, but we weren't the ones who named it."

"Once you get to the Spooky Forest, you guys have to find a mosquito larva," Councilor Five continued. "It doesn't sound like much, but this is just a test to see if you can handle the harder stuff in the future."

Grinning smugly, Teresa started, "Heh, bet mosquitos can suck your-"

"Ooookay, we're going!" Cassidy clamped her hand over Teresa's mouth. "We won't be a disappointment!"

Together, they marched out the door with Teresa snickering.


"How does a mosquito larva even look like?" David asked as they walked on the path to the Spooky Forest. "I've never even seen a mosquito before, much less a larva..."

"You're asking me," Allison shrugged. "I don't even know what a mosquito is!"

"Well, they're annoying!" Tori groaned. "I keep getting bites from those stupid bastards!"

"They also spread disease, like ligma," Teresa noted.

"What's lig-" David started, but Cassidy promptly stopped him.

"I do know that they lay eggs in water!" Ava contributed. "I had a mosquito egg infestation in my water supply once. It was gross."

"It ain't much info, but we wouldn't be adventurers if we couldn't solve this, right?" Cassidy sighed. "When did schools ever teach us where mosquitoes lay their eggs?"

"Proof that school is useless," Tori agreed.

The squad stopped in front of a sign planted on the ground that read, "Spooky Forest."

"Looks like we're here."

"I'm not going in if there are spiders," Teresa stepped back.

"What? Are you scaaaaared?" Ava teased, smacking Teresa on the arm. Teresa let out a yelp and pulled her cloak over her arm.

"I'm with Teresa, Tori gulped, stepping back as well. "Why don't YOU guys go and have US sit out?"

"Nuh uh, you're coming along with us," Cassidy said as she grabbed them both by the collar and began to drag the two into the forest.

Tori began to scream and kick while Teresa crossed her arms and covered her face with her hood.

"Shut it, Tori," Cassidy rolled her eyes. "You're older than me."

"I should have brought my flamethrower along..." Teresa grumbled.

The other three shrugged and followed Cassidy into the forest.


The gang stopped in front of a river, where the path split into three directions. One continued with the original path, another followed the river, and the last one winded into the deep thicket.

"I'm guessing we should split up," David suggested. "Since there's six of us, how about we go in pairs?"

"But how will we decide where to go?" Allison questioned.

"Dunno about you guys, but I'm going to the river path," Cassidy remarked. "If any of you wanna team up with me then-"

"I'll go with you!" Teresa said loudly. The others turned to her. She noticed their looks and shrunk into her cloak. "I mean, I'll go with you."

"If that's the case, then how about Tori and I go into the forest?" David asked.

"WHAT?!" Tori screeched.

"Then it's settled!" Ava rejoiced. "Allison and I will follow the path!"

Nodding, Cassidy began to stroll over to the river with Teresa following quickly behind her. The rest of the group also headed for their designated locations.

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