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I woke up to my phone vibrating and my light flashing. I look at it and it's from a blocked caller. I answered covering my eyes with my hand.

Hey Em it's Zach-him
Go to hell you asshole-me
Before you hang up hear me out okay please-him
I'm here but no promises I'm listening-me
I'm sorry I left but it was a once and a-him

I hung up before he could finish. I've heard the speech before and I'm not listening to it again. It's for the best. I'm gonna come back. We'll still be close. It's the best opportunity for me. Fuck that I'm done with the guy named Zachary Dean Herron.

I look at the time and it's 6am. What the hell not only did he break my heart and our promise but he interrupted my sleep. I never did that to him. I turn over on my side away from the window and pull the covers over my head.

|knock knock|

What the fuck. I try to ignore it but I can't the knocks grew louder. I got up and put a pair of shorts on and walked downstairs.

"It's 6am what is so im-Zach what are you doing here." I asked rubbing the corner of my eye tiredly.

"I've been thinking." He sighed pushing past me into the house. I closed the door and walked to the living room and laid down in the couch.

"Talk and I might listen." I yawned pulling a cover over me.

"I made a promise Okay I get it-."

"To me you promised me to always be there and love me and take care of me but No you had to go to la and not take me with you said it's for the best maybe we'll link up in the future oh please you told me you love me told me you'd never hurt me that was the last thing you'd ever do or want to do but you did it anyway you left me alone and broken crying myself to sleep because the boy I love moved across the fucking country and I can't stop loving you because we were each other's first got it that's all you had to do was finish high school but no you left and probably fucked another bitch and you have the audacity to come to my house at 6 I'm the fucking morning to apologize." Each word that slipped past my lips grew a little louder and I grew a little closer to him.

"Come back to la with me and we pick up where we left off huh doesn't that sound good sounds like the best plan ever." He smiled grabbing my hands and holding them over my heart. "Please don't leave me hanging Em I had to make sure-."

"I can't go Zach I have college and family remember." I sighed pulling my hands away and walking to the kitchen.

"Come on Em please come back with me I pay your parents back for college and you can come back and visit whenever you want please Em I wanna pick up where we left off my first time staying over the night 10th our first party 11th our first time 12th we can do it all in one night come on Em you know me-."

"No I don't you are not the Zach I know and love he wanted me to go to college he wanted to finish high school with me the one that would stay up all hours of the night and listen to my problems who will hold me when I cry-."

"And I'll still do all of it nothing about me has changed I missed your voice I watch videos of us every night wishing you were in my arms baby I love you with every ounce in my body sure a few things have changed about me but I'm the same old dumb Zach who cuddled you and made a promise yes I broke it but you can't be mad at me for that I love you just like I've always loved you I wanted a chance in life to make myself happy that I knew could make you happy so I could come back and fix all of this and bring you back to California with me and make you the happiest and on your 20th birthday I'd propose watching the sunset while we sit on the hood of your car just watching on your 21st birthday we'd have our first beer-."

"Okay-okay how long do I have to think." I asked leaning on the counter.

"Three days I honestly thought it would take you a week to even think about considering." He smiled taking my hands and kissing them. "I love you so fucking much Em."

I couldn't take it anymore. I caved Okay who can say no to those puppy dog eyes. He's perfect.

"And I didn't sleep with anyone else Em I'd never break our promise that bad." He smiled running his fingers through my hair. I hugged him wrapping my arms around his waist and barring my head in his chest.

"I missed you so fucking much." I whispered into his chest.

"I missed you two baby." He smiled lifting me up onto the counter and kissing the top of my head.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now