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"Oh my god he's adorable." Myta smiled while picking up Chase.

"I'm gonna go to sleep." I smiled while cuddling up to Zach.

"Right your tired I'm gonna leave you guys alone." Myta smiled placing Chase in his hospital crib and kissing the top of Zach and my head. "Get some rest both of you."

"Alright hey can keep a eye on Lyric the guys brought her home with icing in her hair and I didn't like that." I smiled looking at Myta.

"Of course." She whispered and walked out of the room.

"I love you Emily." Zach smiled looking at me.

"I love you to baby." I smiled pecking his lips and laying my head on his chest. "October 30th and November 2nd so close together."

"Yep our baby girl will be 3 in 3 days." Zach chuckled while playing with my hair.

Zach's instagram

Zach's instagram

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IMZACHHERRON: so this uh this is new. We had our baby boy Chase. We decided to keep our kids away from social media but here's a few pictures of the past two three weeks since birth. I am happy but it just gets out of hand because of the hate. Emily and I have thought long and hard about this decision. It's weird not gonna post with my babies but it's the thing we need to do. When they are old enough to have social media we're going to post with them. But for now Emily isn't gonna be as active on social media and not pictures of Chase or Lyric will be posted on either of our accounts. We're keeping our life more private due to the hate we've had in the past. We're still happy don't worry about that and I will post with Emily more often than I do. I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys about the pregnancy but it's best we keep our life to ourselves. Please understand and respect our decisions. And don't send hate to anyone that post pictures of Chase,Lyric,or Emily. This world is about respect so respect the decision we made please.

SEAVEYDANIEL: it's the right decision bro. Can't wait to babysit some more❤️.
HATER: Wow that ashamed of your relationship and kids sad.
JONAHMARAIS: that's pathetic he asked for respect. He's not ashamed of his relationship and kids he wants a private life. You are in the wrong. It's sad that you could actually think that low of Zach. The two have been through so much and you have audacity to say that. You should be ashamed of yourself. @hater

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"Baby come to bed." Zach whispered and I sighed. "Baby what's wrong."

"You're not ashamed of me are you." I asked looking at him.

"I should have deleted that damn comment of course not I love you I'm not ashamed but we should have a private life you know." Zach smiled getting up and walking to me.

"Yeah I know but baby-."

"I love you and our kids I'm not ashamed of you why would I be you're beautiful smart kind loving my baby momma my gorgeous wife I'd never be ashamed of you or our kids now come to bed please." Zach smiled squatting down in front of me.

"Y-Yeah." I smiled and he pecked my lips.

"I love you forever and always."

"I love you to forever and always." I smiled and he stood up and picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed. "You know I'm capable of walking."

"I never carried you bridal style through the front door to our house with the white picket fence so I'll carry you to the bed." He smiled crawling  in the bed and laying beside me.

"Alright." I smiled pecking lips. He turned off the light and I cuddled up to him. "Our baby girls 3 already I didn't expect time to pass this fast."

"I know right." He chuckled and I smiled looking up at him. "Just in time to."

"Yep." I smiled pecking his lips.

"Goodnight Em."

"Night Zach." I smiled putting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now