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"Zach you shouldn't be driving tonight it's late stay here." I sighed while watching Zach go to leave. "Please stay here I don't want you driving tonight."

"I can't-."

"Please Zach stay I'm serious whatever's at your place it can wait until you're rested I can't have anything happening to you." I smiled while grabbing his hand. "There's a guest room if you don't want to sleep with me."

"You're wearing my ring again it's still as perfect as the first day you put it on." He smiled while looking at my hand.

"So are you staying." I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah." He smiled and I nodded. I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs.

"Where you sleeping." I asked and he shrugged.

"Are comfortable with me sleeping with you." He asked and I nodded. "Then I'm sleeping with you."

"Good I really miss your cuddles." I smiled and he followed me into my/our room.

"So they've been sleeping in here." Zach asked while picking up Chases stuffed dog.

"Yeah I don't know why but they've hardly left my side since everything." I sighed while grabbing a pair of shorts and a shirt from the dresser and walking into the bathroom and changing. I walked back out and got in the bed beside Zach.


"Starting fresh Zach that means everything before you left never happened." I sighed while cuddling up to him.

"Right." He whispered wrapping his arms around me. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"How are you and your parents have you told them we're working things out." I asked and he shrugged.

"Yeah their weird about it um they haven't really told me how they feel when I told them their exact reaction was 'oh well tell her we said hey' but they feel good maybe." He chuckled and I nodded tracing circles on his chest.

"It sounds like their eerie of the whole thing." I sighed looking up at him.

"Yeah even though I wish they weren't."

"Hey dad you're here early or still." Lyric chuckled while walking downstairs.

"Still it was late and I didn't want him driving." I chuckled while handing her her breakfast pancakes and bacon.

"I need more hair ties my last one broke." Lyric sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"Use mine."

"Yours break to fuc-freaking easy." Lyric mumbled and turned around and looked at her.

"What was that." I asked and she shook her head.

"N-Nothing I um I'm gonna be late for school bye." She smiled standing up and running out.


"She's a teenager baby they have slip ups it's okay Em don't flip we did it all the time." Zach smiled running his fingers through my hair.

"Bye Mom bye dad." Chase smiled grabbing a pop tart and running out of the house.

"All that kid eats are pop tarts he's way to tall to be our kid right." I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah." Zach sighed looking at me weirdly.

"What." I asked and he sighed leaning on the counter.

"Did you have a-."

"Zach don't make me regret this I've never thought about sleeping with someone else I was to focused on Lyric and you to sleep with someone." I chuckled putting lyrics plate in the sink.

"I-I know I'm sorry." He sighed and I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on my waist and I smiled. "What."

"Nothing." I smiled pressing my lips on his.

"What happened to taking things slow." He asked pulling away from the kiss.

"We have two kids how much slower could we possibly get." I smiled connecting our lips again. He smiled into the kiss moving his hands to the back of my thighs lifting me up on the counter. I pulled away and sighed. "Jack and Gabbie are watching."

"Then let's take it upstairs." He smiled picking me up off the counter and leading me upstairs.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now