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"So u scheduled a C-section." Daniel asked and I shook my head no.

"It's just a precaution Incase he does end up having the same birthday as Lyric." I explained and they nodded.

"Which is like really possible considering around the time she got pregnant with Lyric." Zach said while eating chips from the kitchen.

"So what's his name." Jonah asked and I shook my head no. "Oh come on tell us please we won't tell anyone."

"Chase Dean Herron." I smiled and the guys shared that annoyed look.

"Stop letting Zach pick the names." Daniel sighed shaking his head. "Don't name him Dean."

"Okay then you pick something better." Zach said while walking over to the couch.

"Chase Hudson-."

"Lil huddy not happening." I said while laughing.

"Okay Chase Alexander or Chase Xavier." Daniel suggested and Zach sighed looking at me.

"Y-you told him to pick something better not me." I chuckled looking at my phone and Zach sighed.

"Chase Alexander." Zach sighed rolling his eyes.

"Wow I didn't think that was gonna be that easy." Daniel chuckled and I laughed cuddling up to Zach.

"Well I'm desperate and Chase Alexander has a nice ring to it." Zach mumbled while going through my phone.

"Trust issues." Jonah asked and Zach shook his head.

"I'm looking for a picture of us but someone deleted it." Zach sighed putting my phone on the couch and staring up walking to our room closing the door.

"What's going on between you to." Corbyn confused and I shrugged.

"I-can you guys take Lyric out for lunch while I figure this out." I asked and they nodded. They took Lyric out and I walked to our bedroom.

"Why can't you leave me alone today." Zach asked and I walked over to the bed and sat beside him.

"What's wrong babe." I asked a tear slipped down his face.

"Do you not know what today is." He asked wiping his tear away.

"It's not your birthday or anniversary so no." I sighed and he looked up at me.

"It's the day I left-."

"Zach I thought we agreed to let this go." I said while running my fingers through his hair.

"B-but I can't no matter how hard I try it's still in my mind and I can't forget about it I-it's burned into my head the day replaying over and over and over again the pain in your eyes the last time I saw you your tears stained my shirt your mascara running down your face I can't unsee it and every time this day comes around all I see is that hurt plastered on your face and I can't see you hurt ever again-."

"Zach baby look I'm perfectly happy-."

"But you weren't that day and today marks the third year after you left I am so sorry that I left you like that baby I didn't mean to do that to you that wasn't my goal and I'm sorry so so so sorry-."

"Zach it's okay I forgive you it's fine I'm happy we're happy we're together we have a kid and another baby on the way I don't care the past is the past it's us Me and You Emily and Zachary the power couple what happened happened and there's no changing it the only thing that's upsetting me is the fact that you keep bringing up a painful day I hated you then and every time you bring it up it makes me relive that day and it hurts Okay I know so I'd like to forget that day please stop bringing it up baby I'm begging you please I'm not asking as the old mean me I'm asking as your loving wife and mother of your children so please forget the three years that you left and remember the past three years you've spent taking care of me got it." I begged while locking eyes with him.


"No buts Zachary forget the three years you weren't there and remember the last three years you've spent with me making up for that no buts I forgive and I'd like to forget it don't bring it up again." I sighed while getting up and walking out of the room.

"Emily I'm sorry." Zach yelled from the bedroom.

"I already forgave you you don't need to apologize there's nothing apologize for." I smiled while looking at him standing in the doorway of our bedroom. "I love you."

"I love you to." He smiled leaning on the doorframe. "Forever and always."

"Forever and always." I smiled and grabbed my stomach. "Yeah we have a minor problem."

"What." He asked confused.

"Our fighting made my water break." I groaned while holding my stomach.

"You're kidding right." He asked and I shook my head no. He sighed and walked into the bedroom and grabbed our bags. He walked over to me and helped me off the couch. "This seems to early."

"He's 8 months and three weeks old he's not that early." I groaned while we walked to the door.

"Easy baby." He smiled pulling out his phone and calling the guys.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now