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"Oww shit mother of god that hurt." I groaned when I dropped the edge of Zach's desk on my toe.

"You Okay." Zach asked setting it down and walking over to me.

"Yeah that just hurt." I sighed leaning on the wall.

"Well maybe if you-."

"Zach don't make me hit you." I sighed while putting shoes on. "Happy."

"A little." He smiled pecking my lips. "Now I'm happy."

"Okay now we can finish." I smiled and we moved the desk out of his room.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." Zach smiled hugging Reese and Ryan.

"Are you gonna come visit." Reese asked hugging me.

"Yes we couldn't not visit." I smiled hugging Ryan.

"Don't come back preggers again." Ryan laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't Come pregnant in the first place." I chuckled and he shrugged. 

"Moral of the story don't get pregnant again." Ryan sighed and I smiled.

"Will do."

"Will do not we got married two months ago we're free to have another kid." Zach smiled kissing my temple and walking out the door.

"Bye guys." I smiled following out the door. "Wait for me."

"You walk to slow the guys are about to go and Lyric isn't allowed to stay in the apartment alone yet." Zach laughed jogging down the hall. I giggled jogging behind him. "You ran track why is it so hard for you to keep up."

"I carried a child in my stomach for 9 months and I don't run cut me some slack." I chuckled slowing down as we reached the elevator. "Let's make a deal."

"Okay what is it."

"I bet I'll You to the apartment if I take the stairs." I smiled and he nodded.

"Deal." He smiled and I jogged to the stairs door.

"Well goodbye Zachary." I smiled and ran up to the apartment. I beat Zach of course. I didn't win or lose anything we should have put something in it. I walked into the apartment and the guys stood up from the couch.

"We'll come by later to hang out but we've got a meeting and tell Zach he has to come." Jack said as they walked out the door.

"Got it but you'll riling into him so just tell him then." I sighed and they nodded. I walked over to Lyric and picked her up. "What are we gonna do with them."

Zach's pov

I walked into our new apartment and set my keys and wallet in the bowl by the door. I walked into my bedroom I share with my beautiful wife Emily. I stood in the doorway with the biggest smile on my face. Emily and Lyric fell asleep watching beauty and the beast. Emily had Lyric in her lap she was obviously playing with her hair. Lyric is 2 years and three months old. Me and Emily have been married for three months a little after Lyric turned one.

I let out a sighed and walked over to the bed and kissed the top of their heads. Emily of course being the light sleeper she is woke up.

"Hey babe you're back." She whispered tiredly.

"Go back to sleep okay I'll be back I'm gonna take a shower." I smiled rubbing the top of her head.

"Okay." She yawned slowly falling back to sleep. I smiled and grabbed a pair of boxers and shorts from our dresser and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower waiting for it to heat up I brushed my teeth and looked at instagram. Emily posted the cutest picture of Lyric today. Emily has naturally really curly hair she's like 1/3 Brazilian so she got her curly hair from her mom. And in the summer she gets like a five minuet tan and she's already really dark. And she doesn't burn ever.

The picture

The picture

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I laid down in the bed beside Emily and kissed her forehead. She's really hard to get out of bed but she's a light sleeper. She's kind of like me but I'm a deep sleeper like Jack.

Emily and I have started trying to get pregnant again but it hasn't happened yet. If only it was as easy as Lyric. Emily wanted Lyric to be a boy like most people want. Because the boy will stick up for the girl but I don't think that's going to happen. I think we're gonna have all girls. I don't want all girls but it'll happen.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now