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"Three months in you should be proud Em." Myta smiled handing me a water.

"I am but I forgot I'm gonna get fat and can't see my feet I'm not gonna be able to sleep on certain sides-."

"Em yes you are gonna get fat but you have a baby growing inside of you your baby and Zach's baby Zach can see your feet and put your shoes on for you Zach's gonna stay up all night to make sure you aren't alone you're not alone in this hon you've got me and Zach and josh." Myta smiled grabbing my bowl from the bedside table.

"I know but." I groaned while sitting up. "I don't know it's gonna be hard for me to move and sit and I won't be able to wear half my shoes and none of my pants nope that's not gonna happen."

"Only for 6 more months then you can wear all your pants and all the shoes you want." Myta smiled and walked out of the room closing the door.

|ring ring| ~Zach

Hey baby-Zach
Hey how are you-me
Tired but other than that good I just wanna get home to my babies-Zach
How are you-Zach
Mmm pregnancy could be better actually but I'm amazingly wanting a burger right now but your mom doesn't want me to have any greasy food-Me
Well when I get back I'll take you out for all the burgers you want-Zach
What time is it there-me
Don't worry about it I'm talking to you-Zach
Babe you have a show tomorrow or today whatever time it is there you need sleep-me
And I'll get it Okay but I'm talking to you babe Don't worry about my sleep I'm worrying about you have you been sleeping-Zach
You don't have to worry about that you know that-me
Good does mom have you in bed rest-Zach
Pretty much yeah I think I get out of bed a total of nine times and that's morning sickness and to pee-me
Well she means well baby-Zach
I know but I like walking and making my own food-me
I know but hey we will make as much food as you want when I get back and we will dance to the sun comes up just like you like-Zach
You hate dancing-me
But I love you and you're having our baby and I'd do anything for you and our baby if it means you're happy-Zach

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now