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DISCLAIMER: I don't know if it's just me but I got emotional writing the end to this part. It's not the last it's far from that. I guess it's just finally realizing reality. I could just be my emotional self but just a heads up.

"Hey Zach where's my phon-whats wrong." I asked while walking into the kitchen.

"W-Why didn't you tell me about your parents." He asked while throwing my phone on the counter. "Huh."

"Because it hurts like hell to think about it and I didn't want you blowing up at something that wasn't a big deal I've moved on from them please don't make me relive that." I sighed while watching a tear roll down his cheek. "Baby-."

"Why didn't you tell me they were treating you like shit because I left babe what the hell I thought we'd tell each other EVERYTHING." He yelled and I sighed walking over to me. I went to wipe his tears away and he smacked my hand away. "Stop." He growled and walked away into our bedroom slamming the door closed.

This is fucking great just great.

"Zach open the door." I yelled while knocking on the door. "We gotta talk about this please."

"You-they left you because-."

"Because of me because I wouldn't forgive you that was my choice Zach it wasn't because of you if that's what you're thinking but now we're together we're happy we have a toddler and another baby on the way we can't be talking about this baby listen to me I love you you and our kids are my whole world now the past is the past and I never want to think about what happened Okay baby please forget whatever you saw please." I explained after Zach opened the door. "Please."


"Zach please forget about it." I begged cupping the sides of his face. "Zach."

"Y-Yeah Okay." He sighed and hugged me. "I'm still pissed you told Gabbie and not me."

"I'm sorry." I sighed laying my head on his chest.

"We tell each other everything from here on out got it." He asked and I nodded. "Is there anything else you wanna tell me."

"I love you unconditionally." I smiled and he sighed.

"Good." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Babe,babe,babyyy,Zach,Zachary,Zach,hello,Zach." I yelled while sitting on the bed.

"What." Zach asked while walking in the room.

"Where's the remote." I asked and he shrugged.

"I dunno I'm in the middle of making ice cream." He sighed while moving the blankets on the bed. "Want some."

"Yeah." I chuckled. "Found it."

"Alright I'll be back." He smiled walking out of the room. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach. I smiled seeing the small baby bump. "Are you already showing."

"A little but nobody could realize." I smiled while sitting up and grabbing my ice cream from him.

"Well soon they will baby." He smiled sitting down on the bed beside me.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't pregnant I'd finally be able to eat without throwing up." I sighed while looking at the tv.

"Oh boo hooey I'm kidding by the way." He laughed and I cuddled up to him.

"I know." I smiled while taking a bite of my ice cream. "Thank you for the ice cream babe."

"Anything my baby Em." He smiled kissing the top of my head. "You remember when you stole 50 bucks from your mom and we went out to the dollar store and bought everything in the candy isle and then we sat on my roof and ate it all and ended up getting sick the next day."

"Oh I miss middle school that was a time to remember what about the time I got a concussion after going down a slipping slide and hit my head on your dads grill and we stayed up all night in my hospital bed talking about the time we ate all that candy and got sick." I laughed and he nodded.

"I miss it sometimes I wish I never left but we wouldn't be here now we probably wouldn't have lyric I wouldn't be in the band we wouldn't be married just imagine where we would be it would suck I wouldn't have gotten into a college because of my grades you'd be in college for a grade scholarship you wouldn't be carrying our second child small things like that could have changed everything for us." Zach explained.

"Damn I never thought of it that way." I sighed while looking up at him.

"Yeah exactly nobody ever realizes how much one little detail could effect everything in the past and change the future that's why if time travel we're a thing then if you go back in time and change anything it would change how your future really is like for instance if you went to college because I didn't leave then we probably would have drifted apart that way and we wouldn't be here now." Zach sighed while playing with my hair.

"Wow." I whispered and he kissed the top of my head. "Now I'm kinda glad you left I wish I didn't hate you for it and we still talked but now looking at it in that way I'd rather have this than nothing."

"I would to." Zach whispered while rubbing my shoulder.

"I can't sleep." Lyric said while appearing in our door way with her stuffed bunny in hand.  I looked at Zach and smiled.

"Come on babe." I smiled nodding her over to the bed. She walked over to the bed and Zach picked her up placing her in between us. "Want some ice cream."

"Yeah." She smiled letting go of her stuffed bunny and opening her mouth. I smiled and gave her a bite of the ice cream.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now