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"Good morning my beautiful angel." I smiled picking lyric up out of her crib. I walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down a started breastfeeding her.

"How's my beautiful girls doing this morning." Zach smiled while walking in the bedroom sitting a plate down beside me.

"Hungry and still sore." I chuckled grabbing a piece of bacon from the plate. Zach leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Well at least your boobs are big."

"Oh shut up Zachary." I chuckled lightly hitting his chest.

"Well are you having a good morning." He asked and I nodded taking a sip of orange juice.

"Yes are you having a good morning."

"I am." He smiled sitting down on the bed and playing fortnite.

Tonight was date night. Which meant Zach got us a hotel room and some snacks and movies and we'd have a movie night like we used to.

"So which one first sandlot or-."

"Is that really even a question." I said while interrupting him.

"You're not pregnant again are you."

"Zach we haven't had time to have sex." I giggled and he put the movies down.

"Then lets skip to the good stuff." He smirked while crawling on the bed straddling my waist and hovering over my body.

"Yes please." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.


"Did it get better." Zach asked turning his head and looking at me.

"Yes or maybe I just haven't had sex in like a year." I chuckled laying my head on his chest.

"You do realize that we are in the same boat em." He laughed putting his arms around me.

"OH yeah." I giggled cuddling up to him. "Do you think Lyric is okay."

"Yes she's with my mom and she is perfectly fine okay baby." He chuckled brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I know I know it's just we haven't like we haven't ever been away from her you know well yeah you haven't been on tour since she was born-."

"I know but she's my mom and we can trust her baby." He chuckled and I nodded.

"I know I know I just don't like being away from her." I sighed looking up at him.

"I know babe." He chuckled pecking my lips. "I love you."

"I love you to."

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now