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"Shh the kids are asleep." I smiled while walking inside the house with Gabbie. We snuck out a few hours ago to go to a club and have fun. We walk into the living room and the light turns on and we freeze.

"Where'd you two go." Jack asked and we looked at Zach and Jack.

"Why are you both here." I asked and Jack stood up.

"Where did you two go." Jack asked and I sighed.

"A club we needed fun." Gabbie smiled putting her heels down.

"Why didn't you tell us." Zach asked while walking over to me.

"Well you were asleep and you just got home from your a bit ago and you're tired and we needed a girls night." I sighed while leaning on the wall.

"Do you cereal I want some cereal." Gabbie asked while walking into the kitchen. "There's a fridge there."

"Gabbie don't hurt yourself." Jack sighed walking into the kitchen.

"We were worried you didn't answer us." Zach sighed while sitting on the floor with me.

"I know I'm sorry I should have told you I'm setting a bad example for our kids." I sighed putting my head on his shoulder.

"No you're just missing having a college kind of thing." He sighed putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Gabbie don't steal their cereal we have some at home." Jack sighed and I looked around the corner at Gabbie eating a bowl of cereal.

"Ooo I want some." I smiled getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Their high-."

"Jack stoned get it right." I mumbled while taking a bite of cereal.

"Let me live a little." Zach sighed patting Jacks shoulder.

"Weird question what happens between you two when we're on tour at one point you hated each other now you're like besties." Jack asked and I sighed leaning on the counter.

"Nothing we watch movies and shop and go to-oh my god we go on dates." Gabbie laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Not dates we just hang out we have a lot in common." I chuckled taking a bite of my cereal.

"You two have nothing in common Gabbie's nice and well you're a bitch." Zach laughed and I nodded.

"True but we both like food and sleep and our kids and holy we have nothing in common." I sighed and Gabbie shook her head no.

"No we do we definitely do like our style is close to the same we both like the water-."

"You're describing your sister." Jack chuckled and Gabbie looked at me and squinted her eyes and I did the same.

"What do we have in common." She asked and I sighed.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I sighed and walked upstairs to my room.

"Hey What was that you were-."

"I don't know Zach really I don't." I sighed while trying to unzip my dress.

"Want help."

"Yes." I sighed and he walked over to me and unzipped my dress. "I hate being high I'm never getting stoned again."

"Well baby we have to talk about your friendship with Gabbie-."

"Why it's fine." I asked while putting a shirt and a pair of short on.

"You're acting like two high school girls when you're not you're two grown women with kids and husbands you shouldn't be partying or clubbing-."

"Zach moms go clubbing all the time-."

"Single moms and if you keep it up you're gonna be one I'm tired of waking up and you're not there you're always out with who knows who with Em you're stoned with your kids a few doors down you're not in high school grow up."

"I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom." I sighed walking out the bedroom door slamming it behind me.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now