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"He's gone." I said while standing in the doorway to my bedroom. Tears streamed down my face as I put my phone down on our dresser. I walked over to the bed and saw his ring and a note.

I'm sorry I can't wear this anymore. I've done something I can't forgive myself for. I love you always Em you know that. I just can't forgive myself.


"Oh babe I'm sorry." Gabbie whispered while sitting beside me.

"Did Jack know." I asked and she shook her head no.

"Myta didn't even know none of them did." Gabbie sighed while rubbing my back.

"How could he do this why did I have to forgive him why didn't I just stay away from him I told myself he'll do it again don't do it I'm never gonna be able to look him in his eyes and not hate him he left a note he didn't even tell me himself." I cried and Gabbie wrapped her arms around me.

"It'll get better babe I promise I'll make it better if I have to." She chuckled making me smiled.

"Thank you for being such a great friend even though I'm a total bitch sometimes." I chuckled while wiping my tears away.

"You're welcome." She smiled while running her fingers through my hair. "It's okay to cry you know if I were you I'd be crying."

"I spent two years crying myself to sleep because he left I don't wanna spend two year doing that again." I sighed and she nodded.

"Good." She smiled.

Gabbie's pov

We laid there for a while in silence and Jack walked in the room.


"Shh." I whispered while pointing to Em who was asleep.

"How is she." Jack asked while walking over to the bed and sitting beside me.

"She doesn't want to admit that she's sad she's fighting her depression he left her for the second time she's completely heartbroken she's only had him all her life Zach was her only boyfriend and they got married and he left her that's really sad like I wanna cry just thinking about it they can't be over their Zimly." I sighed while slipping out of Em's arms.

"Yeah I know." Jack sighed while rubbing her arm. "Do the kids know."

"Not yet and it's gonna be super weird." I sighed while getting off the bed. "Is it okay if I stay here for a few nights to make sure she's really okay."

"Yeah you don't even have to ask." Jack smiled while hugging me. "I'm gonna go beat Zach's ass-."

"No not today he left his ring and broke up through a note wait until he comes back and she's happy." I smiled and Jack pecked my lips.

"I'll never leave you."

"Never will I." I smiled hugging him. "I feel so bad for her."

"You should feel bad for Zach I bet he's getting a handful from his family and the rest of the guys." Jack chuckled and we walked downstairs. "Zach what the hell."

"I-I came to-um-."

"Leave Zach now you're not welcome here anymore." I said while standing beside Jack.


"Wait what did you do exactly." I asked and he sighed.

"I slept with someone on Tour-."

"It's official you're the biggest dick ever you were worried about her cheating you're a fucking asshole your lucky I don't beat your ass now." Jack growled while clinching his fists and glaring at Zach.

"I'm gonna go can you tell the kids I'm sorry." Zach asked before walking out. "And I love them."

"If I remember." Jack scoffed and Zach nodded while walking out.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now