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"Zach what are you making." I asked while walking into the kitchen.

"Mom look what I drew." Chase smiled running into the kitchen. He started third grade last week. Time flys so fast. He's 8 years old. Lyric is 11 can you believe that. She's almost a teen ager.

"Looks good buddy." I smiled kissing the top of his head. "Now Zach as much as I like watching you cook what are you cooking."

"Spaghetti." Zach replied and I nodded.

"Alright Chase set the table please." I smiled kissing the top of his head.

"Okay." He sighed walking over to the counter.

"Mom can one of my friends stay over tonight." Lyric asked while sitting on the counter.

"Lyric off the counter." I sighed and she jumped down. "What friend."

"China." She replied and I nodded.

"We don't know China." Zach sighed while leaning on the counter.

"Yeah and this is your chance to get to know her." Lyric replied and Zach looked at me.

"We'll discuss it." I smiled and she nodded. "When does she want to come over."

"Friday." Lyric replied and I nodded.

"We're gonna have to talk to her parents you know that right." Zach asked and Lyric nodded. "Go wash up for dinner."

"Okay." Lyric sighed and walked to the bathroom.

"Do you know who China is Chase." Zach asked and Chase shrugged.

"Yes but no I've seen her and Lyric a few times walking home from school but that's it I always leave them alone they always talk about drama with other girls at school and it's annoying." Chase explained and Zach nodded.

"Hey guys sorry to crash your dinner but Gabbie need sugar got any." Jack asked while walking in our back door.

"We have a front door and top self in the cabinet above Chase." I smiled and he nodded. "How's Lav."

"Good but she was wondering if some girl could sleep over-."

"China." Zach asked and Jack nodded. "What are they up to."

"Wait Lyric asked to." Jack asked and we nodded. "Chase can give us some time to talk bud."

"Yeah." Chase sighed and walked upstairs.

"Have you two met China." Jack asked and we shook our head no. "You don't want to she stayed with us one time and she cleared out my liquor cabinet and stole Gabbie's diamond earrings I got her for our anniversary a few years ago she's a con artist so are her parents their using her to get expensive things but she goes a little far sometimes she's 14 hanging out with 11 and 12 year olds because their easy targets wanting clout."

"So that's a no go her staying over." Lyric asked standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Zach and I looked at her and sighed.


"Why do people always use me." Lyric asked and I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Your last names Herron Lavender goes through the same thing with her last name being Avery it's just the world we live in you have to find the right people to hang around." I explained and she hugged me.

"I don't like being used." She whispered and I nodded kissing the top of her head.

"I know." I whispered while looking at Zach.

"Private school." Zach asked while getting in the bed beside me.

"Zach in private school there's more people with rich famous parents and they won't use her like they do." I explained while looking at him.

"You know how expensive it is." He asked and I nodded. "Is it raining."

"In la no way." I chuckled while getting up and walking over to our bedroom window. "Well I be damned."

"Rain." Zach smiled wrapping his arms around my waist. "Been a while."

"Yeah." I smiled and he pecked my lips. "Their getting so big 4 years and Lyric is gonna be driving with someone of course but still."

"Yeah I'm not looking forward to that." Zach sighed kissing the top of my head. "Come on we gotta sleep."

"Yeah so a yes to private school." I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah Jonah and Corbyn and Daniel says it's good and jack and I should have done it a while back but I hate pulling them from their friends." Zach explained while I climbed in bed beside him.

"I know." I sighed.

/knock knock/

"Come in." Zach laughed and the door opened revealing two adorable kids.

"Can we sleep in here tonight." Lyric asked and I scooted over in bed.

"Get up here." I smiled and they ran to the bed and jumped up laying between me and Zach.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now