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"Thanks for meeting me." I sighed while looking across the table.

"I'm sorry for what I did it was-."

"Do you still love me." I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah always." He sighed and I nodded. "Why do you ask."

"I miss you the kids miss you I ended things with Brady it didn't feel right I've tried to move on but Zach you don't get to that ever again you don't get to just leave everyone has left every single person has left me my family friends you the guys our kids and Gabbie you're all I have and I wanna start over slow and I want your word not promise word that you will never leave again." I explained and he nodded.

"You have my word I'll never leave again I pro-you have my word." He sighed and I nodded.

"Good now we tell the kids and you don't fuck up again because I promise you this there will be no next time." I sighed and he nodded.

"You got it whatever you want you got it." He smiled and I nodded.

"That's all I want for now." I replied and he nodded.

"You're back together." Lyric asked confused.

"Are you gonna be staying here again." Chase asked.

"We're gonna work through a few more things but yes we are trying to be together." I explained and they nodded.

"Are you sure you wanna do this." Gabbie asked and I nodded.

"I'm going slow but yeah I feel like it's the right thing to do." I sighed handing her a drink.

"You know I'm here if anything happens." She smiled and I nodded.

"I know." I smiled taking a sip of my water.

"How do the kids feel about this." She asked and I shrugged.

"They didn't really say their okay with it but they didn't say that they aren't okay with it that's good right." I asked and she nodded. "They hate me don't they."

"No you're doing this for your family they could never hate you especially since you're doing this for them." She reassured and I nodded.

"I hope you're right." I smiled and she nodded.

"I always am." She smiled giving me a hug.

"Don't rub it in my face Gabbie." I chuckled and she pulled from the hug. "Get home to your kid and husband and rub it in my damn face."

"I don't rub it in your face love-you were messing with me." She laughed and I nodded.

"But really its late go home." I smiled and nodded.

I laid down in my bed hoping I'm doing the right thing.

"Hey mom can I sleep with you tonight." Lyric asked from the door.

"Of course another nightmare." I asked and she shook her head no walking over to the bed. "Then what."

"There's this guy at school." She began and I sat up and turned on the lamp beside my bed.

"Tell me everything starting with his name is he cute would I approve or do you hate him." I chuckled and she sat in the bed under the covers.

"His names Austin-Blake  but he goes by Austin he's super cute and you would approve." She smiled and I nodded.

"Before you continue-."

"I like that you and dad are trying things again thank you." She smiled and I nodded.

"What about your brother." I asked and she sighed.

"He really liked Brady and Brady made him promises dad wouldn't." She explained.

"Well your dads sport wasn't football or basketball he liked soccer and singing." I chuckled and Chase ran in the room and jumped on the bed. "The guys will teach you everything else that Zach doesn't they all have girls."

"Wait you're really serious about dad coming back I thought that was a joke." Chase asked and I shook my head no.

"I was serious we're a family and as stitch used to say ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind." I smiled

"Who's stitch." Chase asked and I sighed.

"Lord help your young souls you know who sponge bob is but you don't know who LILO and Stitch are." I asked and they nodded.

"Correct." Lyric chuckled and I sighed.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to watch it later." I chuckled and they nodded. "But you have school in the morning Chase are you sleeping in here or no."

"Yes." He smiled and I nodded turning off the lamp beside my bed.

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now