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"Zach where's my hairbrush." I asked while walking into the kitchen.

"I don't know I don't use your hair brush." Zach replied and I sighed walking back into our  bedroom. "Wait Wait Yeah I did I did I'm sorry it was a accident."

"Where is it and why." I asked while looking around our room.

"Well I couldn't find mine so I borrowed yours last night but it was on the bathroom counter." Zach sighed while walking into the bathroom.
"Um it's not here."

"Yeah I know." I sighed while looking in our bedroom.

"We'll Get you a new one Okay just use mine baby." He sighed and I let out a small huff.
"What's wrong with my brush."

"Nothing I just like mine better and we both know as soon as we buy me a new brush it'll pop up." I sighed and he nodded.

"Yeah." He sighed walking into the bedroom. "Baby why are you so stressed recently."

"I-I don't know I guess since you and the guys are going back on tour and I'll be alone with the kids without anyone's help and I'm gonna be so tired and frustrated and tired and I'll be pissed and I don't wanna end up yelling at them if I get to tired baby I'm exhausted right now imagine it being just me I'll be 10x worse." I sighed while sitting on the bed. "I don't see single moms do it it's so tiring doing it with someone I couldn't imagine doing it without someone."

"My moms right downstairs baby she's gonna help Gabbie's gonna help you aren't alone." Zach smiled standing in between my legs.

"I've asked enough of Myta and Josh and Gabbie has lavender I can't ask more than what I can it's not fair." I sighed laying back on the bed.

"But their here to help baby you aren't asking to much they love the kids Lavender likes playing with Lyric and Gabbie misses holding her baby so she likes holding Chase Okay you're not asking to much." Zach smiled pressing his lips on mine.

"20 years old huh." Gabbie smiled handing me a cup of orange juice.

"Shut it you still have a year of a teen." I smiled and she sat beside me.

"How are you and Zach and the kids." She asked.

"Well Zach and I are fine but exhausted the kids aren't sleeping which means we aren't sleeping I'm running off of 13 cups of coffee and 9 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours." I sighed and she nodded.

"Terrible 3s for you love-."

"You are so mean Gabbie." I chuckled hitting her with a pillow.

"So you and Zach are still madly in love each other's first." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes still madly in love each other's first everything." I chuckled taking a sip of my orange juice.

"You do know I'm here is you need to talk everything stays between us-."

"Gabbie Zach and I are fine I promise." I smiled grabbing her hand.

"Y-Yeah Okay." She whispered and I pulled my hand away from hers and cleared my throat.

Are Zach and I Okay? I mean I feel like we're fine but I'm also really tired so what if we aren't okay and I just don't know it.

"Hey you Okay." She asked while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I-i Don't know if Zach and I are okay Gabbie what if we're falling apart and I just don't realize it because my heads not clear and I'm tired or what if Zach doesn't love me anymore and I don't know or I don't love him anymore I mean of course I love him but like I'm the future what if we fall out of love o-or he cheats on me or something while he's on tour what if eventually he starts hating me and our vows meant nothing-."

"Hey hey hey I'm sorry okay Zach's not gonna stop loving you that's impossible you're to important to you Zach doesn't have the balls to cheat on you either he has two big of a heart." Gabbie smiled while playing with my hair. "You never have to worry about losing Zach even if you two don't work out he will always love you he flew all the way to Texas for you girl he woke up at 3 in the morning to catch a flight and then ended up at your doorstep at 6 in the morning just to win you back there's no way in hell he'd hurt you again because he couldn't lose you."

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now