33 (last part)

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"Good morning my queen." Zach smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Good morning handsome." I smiled looking over my shoulder and pecking his lips.

"Can you do me a favor." He asked while turning me around to face him.

"Yeah." I smiled and he nodded.

"Wake up."


"Emily wake up."

"Why would I want to-."

"Wake up there's someone waiting for you." He smiled. "I love you forever and always baby."

"I love you to." I whispered. I closed my eyes and opened them back up.
"Wake up Emily we don't have all day." My mom said while shaking me awake.

"I don't wanna." I mumbled while pulling the covers over my head.

"You can't be late for school Wake up." Mom yelled and I sighed sitting up. "Good now breakfast is downstairs."

"Let me change and Ill be down." I sighed and she nodded. She walked out of my room and I got out of bed and got dressed. I put on black jeans and a blue champion sweatshirt and blue vans. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked downstairs.

"Is May picking you up today." Mom asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I think so." I smiled and she nodded handing me a plate.

"Okay well lock the doors before you leave please I have to get to work." She sighed while kissing the top of my head. "Love you."

"Love you to." I smiled and she walked out the front door.

"You know we got a new boy today I don't know his name but a girl said he looked cute." May smiled while we walked down the hallway.

"Eh I don't really care." I sighed while looking at the ground. "Why does everyone go to high school and think it's the best thing like it's not I hate it so much anxiety because of school."

"True but you're also gonna find someone with bomb-."

"Please don't finish that sentence you know how I feel about that." I sighed and she nodded.

"When are you gonna tell your mom." She asked and I looked at her confused.

"What." I asked and she sighed letting out a small laugh.

"That you're gay-."

"I'm not gay I just don't like talking about sex it's weird." I said while opening my locker.

"Yeah okay." May laughed while rolling her eyes.

"I'm not."

"Come on You've never had a boyfriend you've always turned every guy down-."

"Because I know every guy here their ugly dumb and annoying." I mumbled while pulling my books from my locker. "Don't assume shit May it's not cute."

"Em I'm-."

"Fuck off." I scoffed while shutting my locker and walking away. I bumped into someone and we dropped out books. "Sorry."

"It's fine." He smiled while we squatted down and picked up our books. I looked up at him and smiled. "What."

"Is your name Zach." I asked and he nodded. "Zach Herron."

"Do we know each other." He asked and I shook my head no and we both stood up.

"I'm Emily,Emily Parker." I smiled and he nodded.

"Nice meeting you Emily you wouldn't mind showing me around the school would you." He asked and I chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind at all." I smiled and he handed me his schedule. "We you're to easy just follow me around all day same schedule."

"That was easy enough." He smiled and I nodded him to follow.

"Wanna go out for milkshakes after school maybe I could be your first official friend." I smiled looking at him and he looked up from the ground and at me.

"Like a date,with me."  He asked and I shrugged.

"You can call it that." I smiled.

"Why." He asked and I shrugged.

"I just have a good feeling about you." I smiled and he nodded.


Should I make a sequel??

First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now