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"Not what I expected." I giggled looking around Zach's bedroom.

"Yeah my mom and Reese will be back in a bit so we have time to spend by ourselves." He smiled laying down on his bed.

"Hmm well Zach what do you want to do." I asked climbing on the bed beside him.

"Sleep I'm really sleepy." He smiled pulling me to lay down. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"What's this stalker." I asked pulling a picture of me and him off his bed side table.

"No-what's the point." He sighed running his fingers through my hair.

The picture

"I like this one

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"I like this one." I smiled putting the picture back.

"My favorite." He smiled getting out of bed. "I'll be back."

"I need a snack can you bring me something." I asked and he opened the door.

"You can come with me." He smiled walking over to the bed and pulling me off of it.

"I'm to lazy." I mumbled sitting on the floor. He picked me up and walked to the kitchen and placed me on the counter. "Hey Myta."

"Oh honey how are you." Myta smiled walking through the door. I hopped off the counter and walked over to her and hugged her. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"I missed you." I smiled pulling from the hug. "Hey Reese hey Ryan."

"Are you and Zach back together." Ryan asked and Zach and I nodded.

"She's really mean at 6am I thought she might kill me." Zach chuckled grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinet.

"All the guys are at Jonah's if you wanna go say hey." Myta smiled putting the groceries away.

"Maybe later." Zach chuckled grabbing my hand and pulling me to his bedroom.

"Doors open guys." Myta yelled from the kitchen.

"Really we're 18 not stupid." Zach mumbled opening the door.

"I don't care doors open." Myta said again. Zach rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed and laid down beside me.

Myta instagram

Myta instagram

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First everything/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now