00: 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚

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Before we start, I made a trailer for this story you can check it out if you want to:

(please know that the trailer isn't 100% accturate anymore, I made this before I started the story but came with many other ideas while writing it. The base of the storyline is still the same but like I said some things aren't anymore)

Hi i'm Ashley and i'm a 17 years old girl with a rough past. I lost my mom at the age of 10 and that's all because of my father. Now you're probably confused like how can it be his fault?

Well let's just say my father was always drunk, coming home late, partying till 6AM. Well that was basically my dad but that's not the worst. When he was drunk he used to slap my mom or me.

He was very abusive. I always thought It couldn't become worse but I was wrong. One night he came home and I was in my bed because It was already past midnight. My mom hated It that he was always getting drunk and told him the truth about how she really thought about him.

She had never done that before and that's probably what made him so angry. They got into a really big fight and he killed my mother. I heard them yelling downstairs and I wanted to see what was going on. When I opened the door I saw my mother laying on the floor all covered in blood.

I called the ambulance but they couldn't save her and now if you're wondering what happened with your dad? He escaped and they still haven't catched him yet but I hope they will soon. Now I live with my aunt. She's a really nice person and takes good care of me.

Even though I still haven't gotten over what happened. My dad made me realise that boys break you. They break hearts and they literally break you and after that I made one rule for myself.

To NEVER fall for a boy.

First of all thank you for reading this, this is my new story and i'll try to update quickly since I have a lot of inspiration for this book. Bye ly! and don't forget to vote! (Btw, this is only some kind of introduction not really a chapter)

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