10: 𝘿𝙤 𝙄 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘼𝙨𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙮?

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Corbyn's POV

The whole day I've been sitting at home. I didn't even feel like going to school since all i could think about was her and him. Thinking about the times where i felt like my whole world has fallen apart and now I have those feelings again. The feelings of hurt, the feelings of being used. I should've listened to Jonah and never forgave him again. Because i could've known that he'd do it again.

I got out of my bed and walked downstairs to hear the doorbell ring. I walked over to the door and opened it to see someone. I thought i'd never see again and never wanted to see again.


I was about to close the door but before i could she walked inside.

"Listen Corbyn, I need to talk to you" She said.

"Sure you do, you also needed to talk with me when you decided to sleep around with Zach" I said as i walked inside the living room.

"That was the past and i'm really sorry. So please listen to me" She said while following me behind.

"I DO NOT WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU" I yelled at her as I turned around.

I walked over to the door with Leah still following me behind and opened the door for her to walk out. But then i saw Ashley clearly looking shocked at what she saw.

"It's not what it looks like-" I tried to say but she cut me off.

"Then what is it?" She looked at me questionable.

I looked down and let out a deep sigh.

"Listen i-"

"You know what i don't even wanna know because all I will hear is probably gonna be one big lie" I said before walking away.

I saw her walking away and that directly made my heart drop. What is wrong with me? I shouldn't feel like this.

I just shrugged it off and turned to see Leah again who was standing there quietly in the corner, acting all innocent But im done falling into her traps and so am I done believing Zach's bullshit.

"Leave" I told her.

She walked towards the door while i could see her rolling her eyes.

"Okay, but don't tell me later that you miss me" She said in a bitchy tone.

"Oh I won't, don't worry" I said and gave her a fake smile and closed the door.

As soon as i did that I stood against the door and started thinking to myself. Do I like Ashley?

Ashley's POV

I don't know what was wrong with me but I felt so angry just thinking of him, actually i felt disguised just knowing that he's one big liar and didn't even dare to tell me the truth right to my face.

After a while I decided I should go on a walk even if it's already late, i just wanted to get my mind of things and just try to live a normal life again and that's exactly what walking does. It clears your mind.

After a really long walk at the local park. I decided to rest for a few minutes and sat down on a bench. I enjoyed the view of the moon reflecting onto the water and the silence i was surrounded with.

Until I heard someone.

"Hey" An unfamiliarvoice said.

I turned around to see a blonde haired girl with blue eyes. She looked younger than me.

"Hey" I answered

"Can I come sit with you?" She asked

"Sure" I said

I could clearly see that she was not okay and something had happened.

"What happened" I asked her

She turned to look at me.

"My brother happened"

"What do you mean", I asked her?

"He's not the same anymore, he's more aggressive, he screams at me. People don't see that he has anger issues because he shows other people the exact opposite, he wasn't like this when we were younger. It has only started this year but i can't take it anymore" She said crying.

"Everything is going to be okay" I told her as I gave her a hug.

For the rest of the evening we had a pretty good conversation. She told me about what happened and later on we just started talking about other things.

"I have to go" She said

"Yeah, I also have to go maybe i can-" Tried to say but when i looked up she was already gone.

I looked at the clock on my phone to see that it was super late already and I knew for sure that I was gonna get in trouble for this.

I walked home as fast as I could. When I arrived home I saw that there were no lights turned on and that wasn't normal. I opened the door and walked over to the living room and saw that nobody was there. I also checked the kitchen but it was the excact same thing.

I took my phone and decided to send my aunt a message because i wanted to know where she was. It wasn't her at all to come home late, i mean normally she would be waiting for over 2 hours if i'm this late and mostly house arrest after.

"Hey where are you?" I texted her.

a few minutes later she finally decided to answer.

"I'm sorry i can't be home at the moment and soon, i will be home later this night since i still have a lot to do at work" she texted back.

I sighed and turned on the lights. I mean i'm not gonna walk in this house by myself in the dark. Yes, i'm not scared of badboys but i am scared of the dark. don't judge me. After that i went upstairs to prepared myself for sleep. I put on my pyjamas and brushed my teeth.

I turned of the lights and made my way towards my room, until i heard something. I turned around and was shocked by who i saw.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝘼𝘿, Corbyn Besson [✓]Where stories live. Discover now