21: 𝙄 𝙎𝙖𝙬 𝙃𝙞𝙢

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The next day I woke up in an unfamilliar room. I wasn't in my house, neighter in Emma's house and not even in Corbyn's. I sat up and saw the TV still playing. As I looked at my left I saw Daniel on  the other side of the couch still being in a deep sleep.

What the fuck happened?

I got out of the couch and took the TV remote to turn off the TV. Right as I did I heard Daniel waking up.

"good morning" he said as he sat up.

I sat back down on the couch.

"Good morning" I said back while I couldn't stop thinking about how I got here.

"Daniel, can I ask you something" I said as I looked at him.

"Yeah sure, go ahead" He said.

"What happened yesterday, you know after the kiss" I said.

"I just can't remember how I got here"

"Well you basically fell asleep and since I didn't wanna just leave you there all alone i brought you to my home" He said.

"I hope you don't mind"

"No it's okay, I was just wondering" I said.

Not a long time after Daniel stood up.

"Anyways, i have to get ready" 

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I still have an appointment but i'll be back as soon as possible" He said.

"make yourself comfortable while i'm gone, there's still some food in the fride incase you'd want something to eat"

I nodded.

"Thanks" I said and he gave me a kiss before making his way out of the room.

I guess i'll just watch some more TV 

I took the TV remote and  turned the TV on again. Right on that moment I got a call. I took out my phone and saw it was my aunt. And I immediately knew that I was gonna be in big BIG trouble but I had no other choice but to answer it.

"Hello?" I said.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" my aunt yelled trough the phone.

"I was worried sick about you"

But then it hit me that I forgot to tell her about the beach thing yesterday.

"Listen, I was-" I tried to say but she cut me off.


"But i can't come now-" I said but before I could even finish the sentence she already hung up.

why call me if I can't even say something back? I can't just leave without saying anything.

I sighed.

I guess i'll have to, I'll just send him a message later.

I took his spare keys and walked over to the front door. I opened the door and walked out of the house and closed the door behind me.

I'll just give him the keys back tomorrow

I called an uber since I didn't have a car and Daniel couldn't bring me home eighter since he was gone. So I waited for over 10 minutes for to uber to finally arrive. As he arrived I waked over to the car. I opened the door and got in the car.

I told him the address and and he started the engine and we drove away.

Corbyn's POV

*Buzz Buzz*

"WHAT NOW" I yelled at my phone as I heard it buzz again for the 5th time today. 

I walked over to my nightstand and took my phone to see what's going on now and yet to see another message from the boys probably about how worried they are about me. To be honest I haven't talked to the boys in like over a month. The last time I saw one of them was when Jack came to my house to talk.

I just decided to ignore them and continue doing whatever I was doing before. Until I heard the doorbell ring. I waited a few seconds hoping that whoever is there would just go away but sadly the person didn't and instead rang the doorbell again.

I guess i'll have to check who it is

I walked downstairs and made my way over to the front door. I opened the door and saw the last person I expected to see.

"Jordan?" I said shocked.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Well, I've been in town again for the past 2 months and I realized I still didn't visit you"

(Jordan is older than Corbyn in this story)

"Weren't you supposed to be in Greece?" I asked confused.

"Well I was but I decided to come back for a while since I kinda started missing it here and I wanted to visit mom and dad again anyway" He said.

"Can I come in?" 

"Yes sure" I said as I opened the door more so he could walk in.

Ashley's POV

After a half hour of driving I finally arrived back at my house. I payed the driver and opened the door so I could get out of the car. I got out and closed the door behind me. As soon as I did that I realized that there was a police car in front of out house.

What the heck is going on... 

I walked over to the house and searched for the keys. As soon as I got them I opened the door as soon as possible to see what was going on.

because everytime I see a police car it always means bad news.

I walked inside the house and immediately went looking for my aunt who I found sitting by the dining table  with a police officer after some time. 

"What is going on?" I asked confused as I looked at them both..

My aunt turned to face me.

"Ashley I don't want you to freak out..." She said scaring me.

"Then tell me what It is" I said.

"Maybe it's better if you sit down for a moment"

I looked at her in a very terrified way that was probably very visable on my face.

I walked over to the table and sat down on the seat next to her.

"So what's going on?" I asked.

"I saw your father..."

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝘼𝘿, Corbyn Besson [✓]Where stories live. Discover now