24: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧

837 45 10

"Did you miss me?" the person said

That voice-

It can't be-

My eyes started tearing up as soon as I noticed from who it was.

"LET ME GO" I tried to yell but almost no sound came out.

"Aww and I was thinking that after 7 years you would've actually started missing your father." He said.

I tried to get myself out of his grip but couldn't since he was too strong. I started screaming and yelling even tho I knew there was nobody gonna hear me.

"CAN YOU SHUT UP" He yelled making me immediately stop.

"Or do you wanna end up just like your mother?" he treathned

I stayed silent.

"Good now stay like that"

Corbyn's POV

I've been driving for over 10 minutes now and there was still no sight of Ashley. Honestly I'll admid that I was close to giving up I mean she could be everywhere. After a while of debating whenether I should just go back home or not I decided that maybe I should make one last stop at her house to see if she was already home.

I drove to her house and parked the car. I got out of my car and walked over to her house. When I got there I saw that there was no lightning turned on wich was actually pretty weird since It was only 5pm.

Right when I wanted to reach for the doorbell I noticed that the door was ajar and from that I immediately knew that something was wrong. I mean no-one just leaves his door open.

I opened the door quietly and walked inside. As I got inside I closed the door behind me as quiet as possible and made my way over to the living room after I did. I saw that nobody was there but then I heard someone yelling from what sounded like the kitchen.

"CAN YOU SHUT UP" I heard the person yell.

I walked over to the kitchen and saw a man holding his hand on Ashley's mouth. He looked around the age of 47 and was defitely taller than me. From afar I could see that Ashley was crying and terrified.

This must be her father that she told me about.

I walked to the other room and touched in the number of the police. Luckily after a few seconds they answerd.



Ashley's POV

It has been 10 minutes now and still nobody was here. I was actually starting to give up the hope that I would get out of here.

I was currently tied up on a seat while my father was making a phone call with someone. I don't know who it was but I knew for sure that he was planning on something bad. Meanwhile I tried to untie myself one more time but yet again it was a fail.

But then I heard a noice. I looked at from where it came from and soon I noticed Corbyn standing there behind the corner.

"What are you doin-" I tried to say but he cut me off before I could even finish.

"Sttt, he can't know I'm here"

I stayed silent.

Soon Corbyn walked over to me and tried to untie me while my father was still on the phone in the other room.

"Do you have something sharp?" He whispered.

I looked at him.

"No why?"

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝘼𝘿, Corbyn Besson [✓]Where stories live. Discover now