15: 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁-

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It's now been a month since Corbyn and I started dating and let's say I'm actually pretty happy. Actually maybe the happiest I've ever been. Well except for the fact that me and Kayla barely talk anymore. Wait let me rephrase that, we never talk anymore. The only times we still talk is when we have to do a task together but except  for that never. She even left my house and went back to her parents. I just don't understand why she doesn't like the fact of me and Corbyn together I mean i'm happy, So why can't she be?  

I opened my locker and put the books of the previous lesson back in and took the ones I needed for the next class. I closed my locker and not a few minutes later someone stood behind me. I turned around.

"Oh hey Dani" I said as I saw Daniel.

His smile dissapeared when I said that.

"I told you to stop calling me that" He said.

"Well....that's not gonna happen" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" He said.

"So, have you seen Corbyn?"

"Yeah, a few minutes ago" He said.

"I think he was with the guys talking about...you probably already know what"

I sighed.

"They still don't agree with this?" I asked.

"Nope, they think you'll take him away and that you're gonna screw him up like Leah did" He said.

"Well i'm not surprised, they hate my guts" I said.

"It'll go over" He said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"They just need some time"

I smiled and not a minute later the bell rang.

"You wanna walk with me or..." He asked.

"Yeah sure" 

I smiled and walked with Daniel to class.

We walked into the classroom and Daniel sat down next to Jonah who was sitting in the back of the classroom while I walked over to the seat i usually sit on, which was next to Kayla since we can't choose where we sit. A few minutes later Kayla walked in all by herself and sat down next to me. Clearly wanting this as less as I did.

The teacher walked into the classroom and put his bag on his desk.

"Okay everyone let's start" He said.

An hour later class was finally over and I walked out of the classroom as soon as possible to make my way towards the next class. And surprisingly the next two classes also went by pretty fast. 

After some time the bell rang and I made my way towards the school cafeteria. I scanned the room hoping Corbyn would be here already and after some time I finally saw him and walked over to him.

"Hey" I said as I sat down in front of him.

"Hey" He said and smiled and so did I.

"So how are you and Kayla?" He asked since he knew what happened.

"You know, still the same as before" 

I sighed and looked over at her while she was sitting with Emma and some other people.

Corbyn saw what I was looking at and took my hand.

"You know what, let's do something fun tonight. There's this really cool party tonight and-" 

But before he could even finish that sentence I cut him off.

"Listen, i'm not really in the mood for parties" 

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝘼𝘿, Corbyn Besson [✓]Where stories live. Discover now