09: 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚-

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Ashley's POV

I looked at him and removed my hands from his.

"Listen, Daniel I need to tell you something" I said

I let out a deep sigh, knowing that i had to do this.

"I don't think i love you like that" I said very quietly.

The smile from his face directly dissapeard. I felt bad for doing this but am I supposed to lie?

"It's not you" I tried to say

"It's just, i don't want anyone"

He tried to take my hand again but before he could i took mine away. I didn't wanna make it even more hard than it already is.

"I have to go I said" and walked away

"NO WAIT" He yelled behind me but i kept on walking.

I knew that this wasn't the best way to handle this situation but what could I do. I feel bad for breaking his heart but i would break his heart even more if i lie.

I kept on walking until i finally arrived at the car again and I knew that i couldn't go home without Daniel since he was the driver. I took my phone and tried to call kayla but she didn't answer. So I called Emma.

"Hi, what's up" She said

"I kind of have a problem" I answered.

"What is it"

"I can't get home at the moment, can you come pick me up?"

"Sure, where are you?" She asked

"I'll text you the adress"

"Ok, i'll be there soon" She said and hung up.

After a few minutes of waiting Emma finally arrived. I walked over to her car and got in really quick. I closed the door and we drove away.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Emma started talking.

"What happened?" She asked a little concerned.

My mind was thinking of a hundred things at the same time. Should i tell her? I mean she's one of my bestfriends but still...

After a minute i finally answered.

"I'll tell you at home" I said.

She nodded and looked back at the road.

When we arrived at my house we both got out of the car. She closed the door and we both walked inside the house and went upstairs to my room. We both sat down on my bed and I let out a deep sigh.

"So what happened?" She asked

I let out another deep sigh and looked at her.

"Well, I think Daniel might have confessed to me that he is in love with me" I said

"Wait what?" She said clearly being shocked.

"Do you love him back?"

"No, I mean I like him as a friend but I don't love him. He even has a girlfriend" I answered.

The whole night we kept on talking about random stuff, Honestly i feel like this has kinda turned into a sleepover. The next morning I woke up because of Emma who kept yelling my name.

"ASHLEY!!" She yelled

"What?" I yelled back

She came back into my room.

"You know we have school today right?" She asked

"Yes ofcourse i know" I said

"Then look at the time"

"I ONLY HAVE 10 MORE MINUTES" I said and got out of my bed really quick.

I made myself ready and ran down the stairs, outside towards the car where Emma was waiting for me.

"Finally there you are" She said as i got in the car and closed the door.

"I'm sorry for taking that long, I mean what would you do I you had to fully prepare yourself?"

"I tried to walke you up..." She said

"I'm sorry, i haven't slept all night, and go now before we're actually gonna be late"

She looked back forward and started the engine. As we arrived we saw that everyone was already inside. We walked as quick as possible to our class while hoping that the teacher wasn't there yet.

We entered the classroom but with no luck since the teacher was there and so was Zach, the person who's face I totally didn't wanna see today and I even had to sit next to him.

"You're late" The teacher said.

"We're so sorry" I apologized.

"It's okay for once but don't let it happen next time"

We nodded and walked over to our places. I took out my book and tried to look away from Zach who clearly didn't do the same thing with me.

But then i noticed something, I looked around and saw that Corbyn wasn't here. I mean he is one of the popular boys but he has never skipped school or class.


Then finally the bell rang everyone headed out and Emma waited for me outside class and I walked up to her.

"You and Zach are not really good friends huh?" She said

"You think?" I said and we both laughed.

"Let's go outside" She said and we both walked towards the door and went outside.

As soon as we walked outside i saw them, Jonah, Jack, Daniel and Zach and I knew I had to ask them about Corbyn. I mean I know that they don't like me, i mean hate me but I have to ask them.

"I'll be back soon, i have to do something" I said to Emma

"Okay" She said.

"I'm gonna go get a drink so i'll see you there."

I nodded and she walked away. As soon as she walked away I went over to them.

"I need to talk with y'all" I said

They all stopped talking and gave me a dirty look except Daniel who was looking really sad. Probably because of what i told him.

"What do you want?" Jonah said.

"Listen i get it you all hate me and stuff but i just need to ask you a question"

Jack rolled his eyes

"Whatever" he said

"You know what, I'll just leave" I said and walked away.

The rest of the day passed by quick and I decided to make a quick stop at Corbyn's house even after what happened yesterday....i feel like something's wrong.

The bell rang and me and Emma walked out of school.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" She asked

"No, I'm fine, i'll just walk" I said

She nodded and got into her car and drove away and I walked towards Corbyn's house.

I rang the doorbell as soon as I arrived at his house. To see something I did not expect. He opened the door looking like he hasn't slept in 2 years and like he has been crying for a really long time and not only that did I see also the brown haired girl in the back looking like a HQ bitch.

"It's not what it looks like-" He said

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝘼𝘿, Corbyn Besson [✓]Where stories live. Discover now