06: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩

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1 Week and 6 days later...

Ashley's POV

It has now been almost 2 weeks since the text I got and they have actually been pretty normal, and with normal I mean the basic life of a teenager. Just some simple problems like everyone has but except for that nothing happened.

I have not received a surprise yet even though I'm starting to have a feeling it's one of those bitches who's just playing with me, I mean they were the only ones close to me and all the other people who stood in the hallway were people I have never even said a word to.

So except for that the only problem I have now is the project with Corbyn. Today is Sunday and we have to do the project, I have to go to his house later since he says his parents aren't home and don't worry nothing's gonna happen since he wants this as less as I do. So I think my day is actually pretty boring.

I was sitting on the couch, just watching some random stuff on the TV I mean I have nothing else to do. So yeah, I'm pretty bored.

"Lunch is ready" My aunt yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm coming" I yelled back.

I turned off the TV and walked towards the kitchen table and sat down.

"So, what time do you have to be there?" She asked as she also sat down.

"2 PM"

"Okay but I'll come pick you up around 5 okay?" she said and yes in case you're wondering, I don't have my own car so now I have to arrive at his house in my aunt's car and that's pretty embarrassing.

"Don't worry I'm not planning on staying any longer" and we started eating.

After eating I walked upstairs to get my stuff for the math project. Like who even does a math project? I put what I needed in a bag and walked downstairs.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"As ready as I ever can be"

I walked outside and got in her car.

"Do you have the address?" She asked.

"Sure" I said as I showed the address on my phone.

She started the engine and drove away.


She parked a few houses befor his and I got out of the car and waved one last time before she drove away. I walked towards his house and saw the house where the party thing happened. I walked closer towards the door and rang the bell.

Not a long time later a blonde haired boy opened the door and then I finally understood that my life was ruined.

"Come in" he said he said kind of in an annoyed way.

I walked inside and he closed the door. He showed me the way to the living room and we both sat down on the couch.

"So, what was this project about?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me?! Don't tell me you've never even looked at it" I said while taking out my stuff.


I knew it. Why call it a group project if in the end you'll have to do it alone.

"Maybe you don't give a shit about school and don't care about your grades but I actually do and if you're planning on just sitting there and not even try I could have stayed home and worked on it alone" I said.

For the first time in all the time that I've been in the same school as him he said nothing back. The only thing he did was look at me without any expression on his face.

"Uh hello?"

"Okay, let's start I guess" He said in a weird tone.

I opened my book and we started working.

The rest of the time passed by very quickly, totally not like I expected and he is actually not that bad. Wait, did I actually just think that? Whatever, We just had a lot of fun.

"I have to go" I said as I looked at the clock.

"Uh right" He said.

I took my bag and I was just about to stand up but he stopped me.


"What?" I asked.

"I know it's a none of my business but I've just been thinking about it and it won't get out"

"What is it?" I asked.

"When you were talking to Melissa I heard you saying you didn't need a boy in your life what did you mean by that?" He asked.

I didn't know what to say, I mean he heard it.

"Y-you know I really really have to go" I said and walked towards the door and left his house as soon as possible.

You really couldn't think of anything better?

Corbyn's POV

I messed up bad, just like I always do. Sometimes I actually get along with someone and then I ruin it again. Did I really have to ask that question? I could see she wasn't ready to aswer. I let out a deep sigh and took out my phone to call the boys.

While hoping one of them would answer since Daniel's probably busy with his girlfriend since she's mad at him. I still don't know why he's still dating her, like he's just way too nice for her. Jack is also probably busy with his girlfriend since he only sees her in the weekends. So I'm hoping for Jonah or Zach.

After a few minutes of trying Zach finally picked up the phone.

"Hey, dude can you come over?" I said.

"Sure, what's wrong you normally never call me on a Sunday evening" He said.

"Just come over I'll explain everything when you get here"

"Okay" He said and I hung up.


After a few minutes the bell rang. I opened the door and saw Zach.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He asked as he walked in.


Ashley's POV

I walked towards the car and got in. 

"So how was it?" She asked. 

"It was like working on a project" I said. 

She started the engine and we drove home.


I just finished eating and watched some Netflix. But not a long time later the doorbell rang. 

"I'll go get it" I yelled. 

I walked towards the door and opened it. When I opened it I saw two police officers standing outside. Not a long time later my aunt walked towards me and saw them. 

"What's going on?" She asked.

"We found your father."


𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘽𝘼𝘿, Corbyn Besson [✓]Where stories live. Discover now