Chapter 30

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When your young, it's so easy making friends but now it's torture, or maybe because I didn't want want one else apart from Carla. We did everything together, we took on the big bad world.

My thoughts drift back to Cato. He has found it so easy making friends, wherever he went. All the girls drop to his feet and some boys do the same, mostly suck up to him because he is a victor. The only attention I get from boys, apart from Cato, is when they whisper or even yell what they'd like to do with me, and it's discussing! Nothing a kick down below can't solve. Then, like I said before, the girls don't like me, they call me names and act all flirty around Cato. Not to mention who revealing there clothes are!

Our school policy is navy blue blazer, blue/black skirt and a white blouse. Thankfully we don't have to wear knee length skirts but lots of the girls take advantage of that, hiking their skirts up so all the boys can see. Whereas I do have a short skirt but not so short my under garments are on show.

Cato is clearly caught up in some deep conversation so I just sit and watch, making sure I'm not always watching thought. One of the boys is using his hands, making a squeezing gesture....oh my god no! That is gross! Cato's face stays straight but then he whispers something to all of them and they start walking over in my direction. No!

"Hey Clovers, these are some of my friends", Cato says.

"Oh, um hi", I say standing up and straightening my dress.

"Wow, she is smoking", mumbles one boy.

"I prefer beautiful", Cato says wrapping an arm around me.

"Flat(cough)chest", another one says fake coughing.

"Shut up Harold", Cato says kissing my forehead, "You said you wanted to meet her, not check her out".

"Would she sleep with me?", asks Harold.

"No!", I say, "Thats gross!".

"Oh come on hottie, all the girls do it here", laughs Harold edging closer to me.

"Yeah, well she is better than them", fights Cato.

"Ugh, she is no fun. I'm gonna go talk to Lana, she's always up for a good time", moans Harold walking away with the others but Cato stays with me.

"I'm sorry about them beautiful", Cato apologising hugging me.

"It's okay", I assure him.

"It's award time!", a teacher announces through the microphone,"Everyone take a seat". Within seconds all chairs are taken but one so I sit on Cato's lap whilst he plays with my hair.

"First up, the jock award goes to...Cato Hadley!", announces the teacher, Mr Blackery. I stand so Cato can accept the award. Before he goes I kiss him cheek and he hugs me tightly.

"Next up, the modelling award goes to...Lana Anis!". Lana gets up, kissing boys on her way and struts up to the stage, blowing a kiss to the audience.

"That should of been you", whispers Cato when he comes back.

The awards go on, math award, science award, gymnastic award...

"The musical award goes to...Clove Kentwell!". No one claps or cheers for me, apart from Cato who is standing up now, yelling, "Yes Clove! Well done!", and clapping lots. I shake the teachers hand, blushing, get the award and go back to Cato as soon as possible.

"I'm so proud of you babe", says Cato hugging me tightly.

"And finally, the cutest couple award goes to...". Hmm, I wonder which boy is Lanas boyfriend today?

"Cato and Clove! Otherwise known as Clato!", announces the teacher. Mostly everyone cheers this time, mostly for Cato. I take Cato hand and we walk up to accept the award. Quickly, we kiss and walk back to our seat.

"That's all students! Last dance of the night! So grab your other half and get to the dance floor!". Within half a second, Cato takes my hand, squeezes it and takes me to the dance floor, the middle to be exact. Spaces around us fill up with the other couple but it feels likes it's just us and the music, which is "Everything has changed". Cato puts his hands around my waist, pulling me forward and I put mine around his neck. We are so close that it's basically swaying and hugging to the music. I lift my chin to look up to him but he is not looking down at me. He is smiling widely in the distance I know for a fact that behind us is just a door so Cato must be smiling about us. The thought gives me a warm tingly feeling inside of me.

"I'm so lucky to have you", he whispers, "Your my everything Clove".

"Your my entire world", I tell him.

The end of the song comes around and we are still smiling loads, with our lips and eyes. Cato presses his forehead against mine gently so our noses touch briefly. I feel his breath on my cheek.

"Are we going to kiss?", I ask him giggling slightly.

"Good idea", he says as I put one hand on his cheek as we lean in, eyes closed. Our lips meet again, starting off the fireworks again inside of me. I don't ever want to let go of this perfect moment.

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