Chapter 58

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"I missed you Clovers", he whispers into my hair, "I got you flowers". He then produces 2 bouquets of flowers: one red and one pink. "I didn't know which one to get you, so I got you both".
I blush, "Awh, thank you", I quickly kiss his cheek before going off to greet everybody else. I watch as Kayla and Xander sit under a massive Palm tree, chatting. No doubt they'll end up married.
"Annie! Finnick!", I call over to them, "So great to see you again!".
"The pleasure is all ours. Sugar cube?", offers Finnick.
"Thanks", I say, popping one in my mouth, "It's getting cold, let's all head inside".
It takes a while for everyone to gather inside but we have enough space. Down stairs is mostly all open planned. On the right is 2 light brown sofas with cream and orange pillow. In between them is a glass coffee table and in front of the sofas is a massive flat screen TV.
"Woah", I hear someone say. On the left there is kitchen cabinets, in white and brown, donating the sink, a cooker and fridge. Next to it is a large table that can sit 10.
"How are we all gonna fit around?", Kayla asks, joining me at my side.
"Well, we don't all eat breakfast at the same time", I tell her and begin to walk through an arch. On the left is a massive dining, not room, hall that can clearly seat at least 20 people and on the right is a room with 3 expensive looking computers, 3 desks and chairs, a piano, books and a pool table in the middle. At the very end of the corridor is a winding staircase leading upwards. We all follow it up into another wide corridor. On both left and right are bathrooms and further down are 4 bedrooms. The first is full of single blue and black beds with matching drawers and a few wardrobes.
"I guess this is the guys room", Cato says, "Sorry ladies, tradition is tradition, don't go changing it!". Finnick, Cane, Jay and Cato all leave to go into the room.
"I guess this is the girls room", I announce, "I will show Kayla and Xander where the kids room is".
Finally, I slip into my pyjamas and head back to the girls room.
"Hey", I say, "What time is it?". I'm not surprised to see Annie, Isabelle, Carla and Cashmere all sitting in a circle chatting.
"Bout 12", Carla says, "Come join us. We are discussing those awful fake nails we found a while back". Typical Carla, she is a mini Lillian.
"How about those wigs?", I exclaim, joining them.
"So pathetic", Isabelle says.
"So unreal", adds Annie, "Why can't some people just be thankful for what they have?".
"Hey, where is Johanna?", asks Cashmere, clearly board of the subject.
"She'll be over tomorrow", I tell them, "Her train departure time was 10pm so she won't make it till the morning".
"Speaking of tomorrow, what are we doing?", Isabelle asks as she gets up and under the covers of her bed, "Sorry, I'm really tired from today".
"We probably should be getting some sleep", I say, crawling onto the bottom bunk as Carla climbs her way up the ladder, "As for tomorrow", I begin, "We were thinking of going skating. Considering it's the perfect weather to do it outside".
"There is a frozen lake not to far from here! And we can hire skates from the lake cafe!", explains Annie.
I sleep like a log until I hear movement coming from outside. Silently, I slip on my slippers, pull on a hoodie and tip toe my way out. Warmth rushes into my body when I see Cato, just in joggers, silently shutting his door as I do the same.
"Hey", i whispers, tucking my hair behind my ears.
"Good morning beautiful", he replies, engulfing me in a warm hug, "Excuse my nakedness.
"It never bothered me", I laugh, "I know it's only been one night but I miss sleeping next to you".
Cato grips his hands around me tighter, "I miss doing this". Cato slowly brings his lips down to meet mine and I move my hands up to his hair, messing it up as we kiss. His lips feel warm gain at mine, his hands placed on my lower back, we breath as one.
"I wanna be in your arms forever", I tell him.
"Stop it".
"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss you! Do you know how hard it is not to kiss you 24/7?".
"I apologise...".
"I never said it was a bad thing...".
"Your long pause are hot Clove".
"Says you six pack!"
And then we are kissing again.

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