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( songs for the chapter )⋆ crocodile rock // elton john⋆ et voilà // françoise hardy

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( songs for the chapter )
⋆ crocodile rock // elton john
⋆ et voilà // françoise hardy

( songs for the chapter )⋆ crocodile rock // elton john⋆ et voilà // françoise hardy

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CATHERINE HOPPER ENJOYED MANY THINGS, but chemistry definitely wasn't one of them. She often liked to pride herself on being interested and doing well in all areas of school; chemistry, however, was her personal hell. Kate made good grades and was Mr. Kaminsky's favourite student – but that didn't stop her from almost falling asleep in the class every day.

Studying was a chore for any student, and it was one Kate did daily. She'd gone her entire life without anything less than an A on her report card; it would be embarrassing to end the decade long streak now.

However, Kate wasn't one to practice self-discipline and Steve Harrington wasn't the best influence on her. So, instead of studying like she should've been, Kate was dancing obnoxiously to Elton John.

Steve laughed as his best friend practically bounced around his room. He'd never known Kate to let loose like this with anyone else. To put it simply, it felt like an honour to experience the seventeen-year-old girl in her element. It was a privilege so few people got to see, if any at all.

"I never knew me a better time, and I guess I never will," Kate sung, almost hilariously off-key. Her arms flailed above her head aimlessly, causing the sleeves of her over-sized sweatshirt to fall to her elbows. It didn't fit her in the slightest because it really wasn't her's. It actually belonged to Steve; he'd given it to her years ago, for when she was sad and he couldn't be there. She told him that even after all this time, it still smelled like him.

Unfortunately, the song came to an end. Kate stood in the middle of the room and her arms fell to her side, the sleeves of the sweatshirt now went to the tips of her fingers. Her blonde hair wildly sat upon her head and her pale freckled cheeks were now flushed a light pink colour.

And she laughed; an almost childish giggle that made Steve laugh too. There wasn't a thing more infectious than Catherine Hopper's smile.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted by Steve's door opening. His mom stood in the doorway with a gentle smile on her face; one that slightly deterred when she saw Kate's appearance. She looked a little too sweaty to have just been studying, but his mother decided not to comment on it.

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