forty six! ⋆ THIS ISN'T YOU

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( songs for the chapter )⋆ who can it be now // men at work⋆ not kids anymore // st soundtrack

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( songs for the chapter )
⋆ who can it be now // men at work
⋆ not kids anymore // st soundtrack

JONATHAN WENT EIGHTY THE ENTIRE way back to Starcourt – it was a miracle they didn't get pulled over

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JONATHAN WENT EIGHTY THE ENTIRE way back to Starcourt – it was a miracle they didn't get pulled over. He suddenly slammed on the brakes as he entered the parking lot at the back of the mall. The seven of them quickly got out of the car; Kate, particularly, was racing toward the door.

She had to find El, Max, and Mike; that was the only thing on her mind. That monster was on its way, and Billy was chasing after them, there wasn't a doubt in her mind about it. And she also knew that her sister was probably still weak, considering her hurt leg and the fact she threw an entire car with her mind only a couple of hours prior. Her fatigue would only weaken her powers, leaving the three of them with no protection.

"Go through the emergency exit," Steve announced to the group. "It shouldn't be locked."

Kate had only been a few feet away from the red door mentioned before Jonathan's voice suddenly stopped her.

"Wait!" he yelled, stopping in his tracks. "The fireworks!"

Kate watched as he looked at Nancy, then back to Will and Lucas before the four of them ran back to the car. Robin and Steve followed behind them, despite their confusion. They all expected Kate to come, too.

But she didn't – she couldn't.

She swore under her breath before turning back around and opening the door. It slammed shut behind her, and she suddenly stood in the middle of a long hallway. Kate had only been to Starcourt a few times, but thanks to Steve, she had the back paths and shortcuts almost memorised.

Kate walked through the door ahead of her, which lead to another long corridor. She quickly ran down the length of it, strained her ears to hear talking, or footsteps, or anything that would tell her where the kids were.

Or where Billy was.

Kate knew her best bet was to channel her powers. It would be no use to keep running when they could be anywhere in the large mall. She stopped and pressed her hands against the wall – closing her eyes and leaning her forehead against the concrete.

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