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( songs for the chapter )⋆ rhiannon // fleetwood mac⋆ strawberry fields forever // the beatles

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( songs for the chapter )
⋆ rhiannon // fleetwood mac
⋆ strawberry fields forever // the beatles

( songs for the chapter )⋆ rhiannon // fleetwood mac⋆ strawberry fields forever // the beatles

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WHEN KATE CAME BACK HOME, Jim wasn't there. She initially thought he was out checking on Joyce, but the note he left on the fridge told her that he'd skipped town completely. If Kate didn't know any better, she'd think he'd left solely to get back at her for leaving too. However, the note said Jim had gone with Joyce, so it most likely had to do with Will.

Kate spent most of the time in her room, not really seeing the point of leaving it because she had no one to see. She got up to make herself lunch in the kitchen, contemplating on just going to Steve's house, when the phone rang.

She answered it without a second thought, thinking it was just Jim calling to check up on her. The voice on the other end of the line surprised her.

"Kate? Can I come over?" Jonathan's voice rang out.

"Uh, sure?" she answered, her statement sounded much more like a question. Kate wasn't expecting him to call – she'd completely forgotten he'd had her number, and she certainly wasn't expecting him to ask to come over.

"I'm with Nancy. We- there's–" the boy stammered, trying to find the right words. "Something happened last night."

"Okay?" she trailed off.

Jonathan sighed. "I can't explain it over the phone. We'll be there in five, okay?"

When he hung up the phone, Kate quickly finished the sandwich on her plate before changing out of her pyjamas, and into something a bit more presentable.

True to his word, Jonathan arrived about five minutes later. Once she saw him pull into the driveway, Kate walked outside and into the backseat of his car. She scooted to the middle seat, looking between Nancy and Jonathan. "What the hell is going on?"

"We saw... something last night," Nancy cautioned. "I- It's hard to explain, but it was like- like, from another another dimension or something."

"What?" Kate exclaimed in surprise. She expected their meeting to be about Will, not an outer-dimensional being.

"Just listen," Jonathan told her softly.

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