forty nine! ⋆ KEEP GROWING UP, KID

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( songs for the chapter )⋆ time after time // cyndi lauper⋆ forever young // alphaville

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( songs for the chapter )
⋆ time after time // cyndi lauper
⋆ forever young // alphaville

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STILL have that thing," Steve shook his head as gazed at the Woody the Woodpecker stuffed animal that sat above the small bookshelf in the living room

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STILL have that thing," Steve shook his head as gazed at the Woody the Woodpecker stuffed animal that sat above the small bookshelf in the living room.

Kate smiled as she felt his chest rumble beneath her head as he chuckled softly. She practically laid on top of the boy as they cuddled on the couch, watching yet another episode of Three's Company. Her head laid just under his chin as his fingers absentmindedly traced shapes along her back, their legs intertwined.

"It isn't mine, you know. I have to give it back to Alexei the next time I see him," the blonde smirked before shifting her eyes back to the boy under her. She crossed her arms over his chest, placing her chin on her hands. He smiled down at her and ran a soothing hand down her blonde locks, petting her almost.

His smile faltered. Kate's brows furrowed.

"Have you," he started before clearing his throat. "Have you thought about college... at all?"

The two of them had had this conversation only a few times before; however, Kate never gave him much of an answer. She couldn't because she had no clue what she wanted to do. More than anything, she wished she could pack up the whole party and move somewhere else, anywhere else.

But, of course, that wasn't possible.

"I guess it'll have to wait for now," she smiled sadly. "I'll look for a job around here and take some community college classes on the side."

"I'm- I'm looking for a job, too, you know."

Kate sputtered out a laugh, before confirming. "I know. Robin told me you completely bombed the interview at the arcade."

"I think I got it, though," he defended himself as he laughed along with her. "So... I, uh..."

The girl scrunched her brows together as Steve suddenly grew serious once more. He shifted uncomfortably underneath her and swallowed almost audibly.

Forever Young ━━ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now