1. Where It All Started

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"My brain is totally going to explode!"

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"My brain is totally going to explode!"

Chaewon lays down in frustration on the cold wooden floor as she ruffles her own strawberry pink hair due to stress yet messing up her whole hair. She sighs and proceed  to give condolences to the amount of braincell she lost during this study session.

"Oh come on Chaewon, it's not that bad." Chaeyeon rolls her eyes, bitting the tip of her pen.

Chaewon then sits down properly, facing Chaeyeon with a smirk plastered on her face. "What?" Chaeyeon asks as she focuses on the paper in front of her.
"You're the one who says it's not that bad but i see you are having trouble yourself." Chaewon scoffs.

"Why the fuck these math problems keep asking us to solve their problems, they should be independent and learn to solve it themselves." Chaewon clicks her tongue as she throws the question papers from the table.

Chaeyeon just shake her head, she is used to see Chaewon throwing childish tantrums during their study sessions. Basically it always ends with a sulking Chaewon and a dizzy Chaeyeon.

The sudden ruckus near the door bothers Chaeyeon, knowing that Chaewon won't fucking budge, she decides to open the door.

"Hurry and open up Lee Chaeyeon!" A girl, looking like a duck shouts. "Yeah, Yena wants to piss so you better hurry." Eunbi laughs at the sight of Yena curling, trying to hard to not piss right now.

Not a millisecond after the door was unlocked, Yena burst in and dash to the bathroom. Sonic the Hedgehog who?

"Seeing the look on your face, studying must be a challenge i assume." Eunbi proceeds to take off her blazer and toss it to the sofa and go the kitchen to take some drinks. Chaeyeon nods as she follows Eunbi around, backhugging her. After sipping some tea, Eunbi faces Chaeyeon as she pats her head, she puts down the cup.
Chaeyeon was impatient, Eunbi's lips was so tempting. She couldn't resist, they begin to make out.

"Oh for fucks sake, don't fucking make out in front of me." Chaewon bitterly spats out.

"Us, in front of us." Yena walks to the kitchen while putting her limbs over Chaewon. "Don't fucking touch me." Chaewon glares as Yena just shruggs it off.

"The two of you are just petty, get a girlfriend." Eunbi said, as her hands seems to be glued to Chaeyeon. "True, i might start shipping you guys." Chaeyeon giggles and she plays with Eunbi's fingers.

"Gross." Both Chaewon and Yena let go of each other.

"I will never date that duck, besides she has eyes on someone." Chaewon smirks and she nudges Yena in a teasing manner.

Jo Yuri, is Yena's crush apparently. Eunbi and Chaeyeon felt utterly betrayed by Yena that she told Chaewon first.

Chaeyeon gasps out of nowhere, shocking the other three from a peaceful sudden silence. She begin to ask Yena whether or not she's close to that Jo Yuri girl. Yena was baffled in Chaeyeon's curiosity but answers truthfully anyways saying that they are and she might as well confess soon. Chaeyeon then begin clapping like a mad man.

"Okay why the fuck you are so happy?" Chaewon asks while bitting a chocolate chip cookie. Chaeyeon grins and explains.

Apparently Jo Yuri has three close friends which consists of Kim Minjoo, Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yujin. Jang Wonyoung and Kim Minjoo are known to be the smartest student and let's just say Yujin and Yuri aren't doing as well as those twoㅡbut rumors spread that the four of them decides to study amongst themselves, well basically the smarts helping Yujin and Yuri kind of session. As a result, both Yuri and Yujin enters the school's top ten smartest students.

Chaewon furrows eyebrows, wipping the cookie crumbs from her mouth. "And here i though Ahn Yujin is fucking dumb."

Chaeyeon chuckles, "Well she isㅡwas dumb i guess."

"You shouldn't stereotype jocks, Chaewon." Eunbi then sits on the sofa, telling Chaeyeon to sit on her lap. Chawon and Yena wants to puke as the two of them don't remember why they agree on dorming with this couple.

"Ah, i actually fucking forgot you are our school's basketball captain." Chaewon rolls her eyes.

With that said, Chaeyeon realizes that they have common connections? like Yena to Yuri and Eunbi to Yujin as Yujin too, is a basketball player. Chaeyeon stares at Eunbi with puppy eyes. Immediately Eunbi knows what Chaeyeon wants. Asking Yujin. Eunbi will do that somehow.

Yena also is planning to ask Yuri. Chaeyeon is so enthusiastic, it's tiring Chaewon.

"I'm sleeping, all this fuckng math shit got my head fucked up." Chaeyeon waves as she enters her dreamland.

Hi guys! How is the first chapter going? Sorry if i have mistakes oof. See you on the next update!
Follow my Twitter  @Wcnyo :D

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