16. Party

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"So are you actually going?" Yena nudges Chaewon with a worried look plastered on her face

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"So are you actually going?" Yena nudges Chaewon with a worried look plastered on her face. Chaewon shrugs, her life has been pretty much fucked up already so what could go wrongㅡwell a lot of things but Chaewon couldn't care less.

"If Chaewon is going, we all should go as well." Eunbi randomly states as the other wants to protest but then they are also worried about Chaewon. Eunbi then glances at Wonyoung and Minjoo, "are you guys in? well not to be offensive but i don't even know if you smartasses go to parties."

Wonyoung and Minjoo sighs, Eunbi is right. They never had fun in their life probably the fact that they need to put up an image that their the role models. Both of them are sick of that shit, they need to show them that they can party to. Wonyoung and Minjoo gives each other a mere glance and nod, "we are in."

Back at the dorm, Chaewon is snuggling with Yena again at the sofa. Yena wrapps an arm around the latter's shoulders and pull her close, gently rubbing her arm. She sinks into the warmth of her side, appreciative of the simple gesture. "You know if Yena isn't dating Yuri, i ship you guys." Chaeyeon clinging to Eunbi as the both of them walks to the living room. Both Chaewon and Yena scoffs at the statement they just heard whereas both Chaeyeon and Eunbi laughs at their reactions.

"What does Hitomi see in you anyways?" Yena asks sarcastically as she rolls her eyes. Chaewon moves her head and faces Yena, "ask yourself idiot." Chaewon then bops Yena's nose and stick her tongue out. "Oh fuck off Kim Chaewon, I was out of my mind back then." Chaewon giggles as she gets off from Yena's grip, getting a cup of water.

Meanwhile Wonyoung has her own suspicions regarding this questionable birthday party. She actually doesn't want to go but she can't just bail on Minjoo and the others. "If it gets too shady, promise me we all are going back to the dorm as soon as possible." Wonyoung blabbers, "of course princess!" Yujin winks as she responds to Wonyoung earning a chuckle from Yuri and Minjoo not forgetting a blushing Wonyoung.

The stars in the sky are practically nonexistent, as between arose puffs of gray. Those balls of cotten seen during the day shifts into streams of gray the color of ash and soot. They fill the sky, hiding the full moon in it's full glory behind them as the clouds stretches over the sky, giving it a hazy ominous feel. That night Hitomi rented a whole house party to celebrate her birthday, the squad decides to meet in the front door. Eunbi calls Yujin so that she can gives a heads up on the other girlies to arrive faster. After a few minutes, half up the squad comes to join.

Not to be bias but Minjoo sees no one else besides Chaewon. She sneakily glances at the latter and she feel that she's like aladdin since Chaewon in that dress is a whole new world. The dark sheets of the silk dress slipped onto her shoulders, exposing her godly sculptured collarbone. It stops Chaewon's upper thigh, it's a bit too short for Minjoo's liking but she ain't complaining. Like a normal being, it seduces Minjoo's senses and convey with utmost skill the art of pleasing.

"Are you done eye fucking Chaewon because we need to go inside this satanic headquarter," Wonyoung sighs as she nudges Minjoo back into reality.

As they step in, the reak scent of alcohol irks the squad. The rooms seems to be sticky and disgusting, a group of goths and emo looms over the sweet table and stuff their mouths. Another group of people are playing truth or dare while snaking on some fucking kimchi. Chaewon won't deny that she is actually used to this environment. She was a party girl before, she got bored of it and just left the nightlife and yet sucked to the camgirl life instead.

The eight of them decide to stick with each other no matter what the circumstances is, Chaewon thinks that they are too paranoid but nothing can convince them at this moment. Hitomi then appears, greeting Chaewon as she acts surprise that the whole squad came. Eunbi can just gag seeing Hitomi's horrible acting.

"Can i borrow Minjoo for a while?" Hitomi asks while lifting one of her brows. Hearing that, the squad eyes Hitomi suspiciously. Why the fuck would Hitomi want to meet Minjoo, especially one on one? Chaewon is about to protest as she grabs Minjoo's arms so that she stays. Minjoo faces Chaewon and gives her a reassuring look which probably translates as i am going to be fine, chill. Hitomi sees that Chaewon's hands lingers too long at Minjoo for her liking so she immediately drags the girl.

Minjoo just detest the fact that she's breathing the same air which Hitomi. They probably had a mutual agreement that they hate each other apparently because they are each other's rival. Rival to Chaewon's love that is. "If you just going to waste my time, i am just going to go back." Minjoo rolls her eyes, rolling her eyes seems to be her habit now.

Hitomi tantalizing smirk makes Minjoo very uncomfortable, "oh trust me this is worth your time." Hitomi then start to search something in her peach pouch. Hitomi abruptly throws it at Minjoo, the latter catches it with the help of her excellent reflex. It was a picture, and erotic one. The picture consist of her and Chaewon doing unholy activities in the artroom. Minjoo flips the picture downwards as her jawdrop, she never would have thought someone would catch them since it was class period.

"Don't interact with Chaewon anymore, today is the last day or i will release these picture to the school." Hitomi walks to Minjoo as she snatches the photo at Minjoo's hands. Minjoo can't believe she is currently being blackmailed. Having these type of photo will definitely ruin Minjoo's good girl reputation at school and probably being eliminated from becoming the school's role model.  "I am not joking, please do remember Kim Minjoo. Also don't tell anyone."

Minjoo's mind is cloudy as Hitomi's words keep echoing in her brain. The latter walks back to where the squad is at. They then bombard Minjoo to expound what happened with Hitomi as she says that it's nothing important. Chaewon stares at the pastel hair girl, something is suspicious yet the latter ain't going to pry.

Burning through a bottle of cheap alcohol, Minjoo fell in love in the silence. The silence that Minjoo herself hallucinates as she only can see Chaewon who is kind of wasted. Minjoo feels the earth rocking beneath her as her mind drifting in and out like the tide. Though Minjoo's vision wavered, there is just one thing that the latter is sure of. The fact that Chaewon is here leaning against Minjoo's bare shoulders. At that moment what crosses Minjoo's mind, Chaewon is so beautiful and this is the last time she can experience it.

and i oopㅡ hitomi such an ass, what will mimjoo do?!

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