32. Final

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The past weeks has been hell to squad since they are pretty much busy with school assignments and activities

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The past weeks has been hell to squad since they are pretty much busy with school assignments and activities. Eunbi has to balance between her assignments, basketball and busting Minjoo's parents. Both Eunbi and Chaewon has been working hard to provide enough information with the help of Minjoo and Hyewon together. It never crosses Eunbi's mind that Minjoo is helping them to imprison her own parents for Chaewon? The things that loves do to people wonders the latter. What is Chaewon and Minjoo's relationship? Eunbi still questions.

Due to them working hard, Hyewon, as the teacher in the group tells them to rest as they resume tomorrow. The three of them are the only one left in the dorms. After a while, both Yena and Chaeyeon come back from the dance studio since Chaeyeon practically dragged Yena because Eunbi can't come with her today.

"How's the progress going?" Chaeyeon dabs her sweat with tissues as she makes an eye contact with Eunbi as they slowly moves together to each other at the couch. Minjoo widens her eyes whereas both Yena and Chaewon seems to be unfaze at the situation itself.

"Yeah that happens in the dorm, Minjoo." Yena pats Minjoo on the back as the girl nods and tries to ignore that both Eunbi and Chaeyeon are probably making out at the couch. Yena then instinctively strides to Chaewon whose in the dining table with Minjoo and cuddles the girl out of habit. Minjoo glares at the two and burns in jealousy as she pretends to be busy with her phone.

Minjoo then pretends to cough, gaining both Yena and Chaewon's attention. Seemingly understand the situation, Yena let go Chaewon and rolls her eyes. "We get you are jealous Kim Minjoo, i didn't know you are the possessive type." Minjoo blushes at the statement as Chaewon silently giggles.

Chaewon cups Minjoo's face with both of her tiny hands and stares at Minjoo. "Don't touch me." Minjoo pouts and tries to get rid of Chaewon's hands but the latter isn't giving up.

Chaewon wonders if Minjoo is actually fine with the whole situation. By situation, what Chaewon means is that Minjoo helping her friends to put her own parents in jail. Chaewon can see right through that hazelnut orbs that's staring into her own right now that Minjoo is in pain. It hurts Chaewon that both of them are hurting because of each other.

"No jokes aside, are you ready for tomorrow?" Chaewon stares at the girl who seems to be nodding in agreement. Tomorrow is the day where they are going to file and tell the police and imprison Minjoo's parents. Chaewon feels bittersweet since she's torn for either being happy that finally justice is served yet it's Minjoo's parents that she's taking about.

The next morning, Eunbi and Chaewon skipped school to execute their plan. They prepare unleashing Eunbi's workers, professional guards to capture both the Kims at their house in the morning. The plan is a huge success as they caught the Kims off-guard making them to surrender. Both the Kims beg forgiveness from Chaewon but the latter shrugs. Minjoo came a bit late since she had a quiz in the morning so she can't bail out. Minjoo's parent are angry as they call names at their daughter.

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