14. What If

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"Oh my God" Minjoo sighs as she pouts

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"Oh my God" Minjoo sighs as she pouts.

It's been awhile since Minjoo saw Chaewon after that whole mess and basically the latter friendzoned her. Maybe the definition of friends in Chaewon's dictionary is just different as Minjoo wants to believe so.

Chaewon has been missing all of the important materials at school and it worries Minjoo because she knows that Chaewon isn't that much of an academic student. She can just share her notes to Chaewon, the latter will of course accept that right.

"Do you miss Chaewon that bad?" Yujin wriggles her eyebrows, bugging Minjoo and Wonyoung laughs.

"Screw off and bother Wonyoung instead of me dummy" Minjoo rolls her eyes as she storms off to the school's hallway. Yujin shakes her head, Minjoo starts to behave like Chaewon which seems weird as now they see a different side of Minjoo. Yujin always sees both Wonyoung and Minjoo are like those geniuses who are classy and well-mannered yet it isn't like that at all. Minjoo seems to act quite different whereas Wonyoung seems to be hitting puberty, Yujin can't understand why the girl keeps on getting mad at her while she didn't do anything.

Minjoo technically storms off and sprints to the stairs. Of course being somehow clumsy, Minjoo trips and almost fell down the stairs. A hand, caught her in their arms. Minjoo sigh in relief, she isn't going to embarrass herself in front of the students as she is a student with honor and achievements. A mint scent hits Minjoo, she thinks that she is hallucinating. "I must've miss her so much to the point i am hallucinating"

"Who is person you are missing?" an angelic voice, the voice that calms Minjoo. It's Chaewon, Minjoo blinks rapidly as she caresses the latter's cheek. "Be careful dumbass," Chaewon rolls her eyes and continues "it's been awhile, Minjoo."

Minjoo melts in Chaewon's arms, they are having a thick yet intense eye contact before someone slaps Chaewon. "What the fuck?" Chaewon glares at Yuri as she rubs her cheeks. "That's for hurting Minjoo," Yuri slaps Chaewon around two more times before Minjoo successfully stops Yuri. "That's for kissing Yena and for having sex with Minjoo."

Minjoo blushes at Yuri's frontal statement while Chaewon rolls her eyes, the girl just got back as she's already slapped thrice. Back at school honestly isn't Chaewon's cup of tea, she is just doing this because she remembers that her parents want her to atleast finish high school. Being in school isn't that bad now that Minjoo's around.

As usual, school ends in a flash and the squad in currently hanging out in the canteen. Basically the gang commands both Yena and Yuri to give them food to congratulate them for their new relationship. Yena and Yuri groans yet starts to buy some food. It's been a while since the gang hangout together as a full, eight member. They're sharing gossips and rumors, also discussing new topic that they learn.

Suddenly, a small girl with chubby cheeks taps Chaewon’s shoulder, gaining her attention and also the others. Minjoo then learns that the girl's name is Honda Hitomi, she's a Japanese and apparently Chaeyeon knows her due to once Hitomi is lost and Chaeyeon saves her like an angel, especially when her Korean isn't at the best shape yet suddenly Chaeyeon speaks in Japanese which surprises the latter. Minjoo doesn't seems to enjoy Hitomi's existence, maybe due to the feel that she's a competitor slash rival?

"Chaewon, i like you. I am not forcing you to go out with me but maybe you can give me a chance to impress you tonight?" Hitomi smiles cheekily at Chaewon whereas Minjoo is this close killing the girl. Chaewon shrugs, she has nothing to do tonight so she thinks why not? Chaewon agrees which surprises the whole squad. Hitomi then left with a satisfied smile yet Minjoo spots a small smirk that Hitomi gives her.

The whole squad immediately send death glares at Chaewon which the latter just shrugs. Minjoo suddenly dashes to the toilet and Yujin follows her. "You know you should confess to Chaewon that you genuinely like her," Yujin states. Well, maybe Minjoo have thought about it once or twice but then Chaewon technically friendzoned Minjoo right after they had sex. Minjoo isn't a fan of reject or failing but Yujin is right. She won't accept herself if she loses Chaewon to someone else.

But then this isn't the situation some of them expect to happen. Wonyoung and Yujin are accompanying Minjoo to stalk both Chaewon and Hitomi at night on their date.
"I didn't knew that you are this obssesed with Chaewon," Wonyoung fake gags as Minjoo rolls her eyes. After a while, both Yujin and Wonyoung ditches Minjoo since it is boring and they decide to have some fun, Yujin asks Minjoo to accompany them and forget about following Chaewon but the latter declined. Not because of the fact she knowing this behavior or her is lowkey psychotic but the fact that she doesn't want to be their third wheeler.

Minjoo lost Chaewon on her sight which frustrates her. Fuck it, maybe she should get go back and rest or maybe study like she used to. Meeting Chaewon brings a whole new experience to Minjoo which she cherishes. Minjoo's mind is all over the place, over thinking useless bullshit as she crosses the road without paying attention. A deafening car honk wakes Minjoo's soul but then Minjoo is frozen, unable to move as she is ready to get hit by the car. Minjoo is currently shaking, she closes her eyes ready for the impact but then i feels someone pulls her to the sideways, saving her. "What the fuck Minjoo you could've just die!"

Chaewon is utterly bored with the hangout with Hitomi but she wouldn't casually drops it. Maybe she could've done that but she don't want to deal with anymore drama so Chaewon decides to hold on a little longer. Chaewon's eyes wander around, she then catches a girl with pastel pink hair. Minjoo? What is she doing? Chaewon notices her surroundings fast. The traffic lights is about to turn green yet why does Minjoo seem to take action as she is going to cross the road. Feeling something bad will happen, Chaewon dashes towards the pastel hair girl and luckily was quick enough to snatch the latter from a possible car crash.

"Chaewon?" Minjoo mutters, as she seems to be in a daze. Chaewon caresses the latter's cheek. "You owe me twice you asshole," Chaewon jokingly retorts as Minjoo laughs. Hitomi catches on, then see Minjoo and Chaewon. Hitomi is at sight wakes Minjoo from her shock slash daze phase.

Hitomi glances at the two, as she gives them a knowing look. Chaewon shakes her head, telling Hitomi that it isn't what it looks like. They are just friends, Minjoo and her are just friends. The corner of Minjoo's lips turn downwards, showing a mere disappointment but Hitomi is sharper than an eagle. Hitomi is about to say goodbye when she whispers to Minjoo's ears, "stop being so obvious, you like Chaewon don't you." Hitomi then runs, leaving a red-ear Minjoo and a confused Chaewon.

"You seem to be kind of dishearten when i said you aren't like girlfriend." Chaewon smirks at Minjoo as the latter rolls her eyes to avoid eye contact.

"What if we,, actually date each other,, haha just kidding,,,, unless?" Minjoo stutters as she keeps on playing with her fingers as Chaewon chuckles.

"What if i say that i agree with you,, just kidding,, unless?"


SHSHSHSD sorry i had a busy week holy shit, i wasn't been able to update because i had to attend some wedding and get some certified certificates for some shits shshshd iㅡ what if the next chapter is a smut,,, just kidding,, unless??

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