9. Reconcile

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"You what?!" someone shouts from the entrance dropping the books she is holding with both of her hands

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"You what?!" someone shouts from the entrance dropping the books she is holding with both of her hands.

Eunbi and Yujin flinches, "Chaeyeon... Let me explain." Eunbi wipes her tears and dash towards Chaeyeon's direction. Seeing Eunbi coming her way, she runs as fast as well could, Eunbi is exhausted due to today's training and unable to catch up. Eunbi decides to come back to the court, picks up Chaeyeon's books and goes back to Yujin.

Chaeyeon is a whole mess, her heart is broken and torn. She dashes to the dorms and shouts Chaewon's name as loud as she can. Yena, who is laying to the living room, is extremely surprised by Chaeyeon's action. She sees the latter crying yet she seems mad. "Where is Chaewon." Chaeyeon asks Yena in a scary tone which brings chills to Yena's spine. Yena isn't answering and Chaewon is impatient, she grabs Yena's collar and asks her one more time.

"Where the fuck is Kim Chaewon at, Choi."

Yena stutters due to the frightening aura that's around Chaeyeon right now. Yena tells Chaeyeon that's Chaewon is hanging out in Wonyoung's dorm with the others since she needs more understanding about some math questions.

Chaeyeon is about to rush out towards the other dorm while Yena catches her hand and won't let go. "Is this about Eunbi and Chaewon?" Yena stares at Chaeyeon's eyes. Chaeyeon nods, "You knew?! I can't believe."
Yena shakes her head rapidly as she says she just know some part of it and not the whole story of the situation so she just don't want to assume.

Chaeyeon break loose from Yena's grab and runs to the other dorm. Not wanting Chaeyeon to do anything that she will regret in the future, Yena decides to run after the girl. Chaeyeon knocks loudly at the other dorm with Yena. They are welcome by Wonyoung. Chaeyeon immediately spots Chaewon, her wrath takes over her body as she throws the first punch at Chaewon. Chaeyeon don't give a shit at the moment as  her fist slams into Chaewon's face while she sinks into the latter's stomach. Blood pools in her mouth as the others are frozen on the spot. Yena decides to hold back Chaeyeon to stop doing stupid things as Minjoo checks on Chaewon and asks her about the condition.

Chaewon spits the blood on the mouth and wipes it, it is a hot sight for Minjoo to witness but that's not the problem right now as Minjoo shakes her head.
"What the fuck is your problem Lee." Chaewon grunts as she can taste the blood in her mouth which is hot, wet and metallic.

"You slut, are you trying to break my relationship with Eunbi?!" Chaeyeon is about to blow another punch towards Chaewon as the others block her way making Chaeyeon more enrage than ever.

"Don't speculate shit when you don't know the whole story Lee." Chaewon rolls her eyes which upsets and add fuels to Chaeyeon.

A sudden knock on the door earns everyone's attention. It is Eunbi and Yujin, both a shock to the an unexpected appearance of the whole squad in the dorm right now. Eunbi senses the tense air in the dorms, she also can't bring herself to talk to Chaeyeon at this moment.

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