3. Wrestle

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It is just a typical boring Saturday, another day to suffer in Chaewon's point of view

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It is just a typical boring Saturday, another day to suffer in Chaewon's point of view. The rings of notification spams on Chaewon's phone made her grumpy. Of course, it's the brand new groupchat they were invited last night, of course. Chaewon decides to laze around the living room, as she sees Yena. Yena pats the sofa beside her, telling Chaewon to sit down. Chaewon starts to snuggle around Yena, which is rarely to be seen. Chaewon hates being affectionate, she detests it. Being affectionate is out of her dictionary.

"What is this behavior Kim Chaewon?" Yena questions the small strawberry-haired girl yet big spoons her on the sofa.

"Is it that weird that you just had to call me by my full name huh?" Chaewon spats although she snuggles closer. Yena nods yet Chaewon ignores her and shuts her eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK AM I SEEING?!" Eunbi rages as she and Chaeyeon goes to the living room.

"Why are so mad? They are just snuggling." Chaeyeon sputters, putting her hands around Eunbi's curves. Eunbi shakes her head, saying it's not a big deal. Eunbi then practically drags Chaeyeon outside so they won't be late for their usual Saturday date, Saturdate.

Yena isn't going to meddle but something is surely off. Why would Eunbi suddenly lash out at Chaewon just because Chaewon cuddles her? Yena needs more braincells which apparently unavailable.

"Leave it. I know what you are thinking. It's nothing." Chaewon murmurs, still closing her eyes tight. Yena let it off today, maybe today isn't the day. She sighs.

It has been a whole long thirty minutes since Chaewon moved, Yena is getting some cramps.

"You should have told me you are getting cramps." Chaewon rolls her eyes as she gets off and sturts to the fridge.

"You were so comfortable, i can't help it."
"Yeah whatever."

Chaewon grabs some milk and two glasses, just in case Yena wants some. She's not risking to walk her ass back if Yena tells her to. Yena mouthed a thanks.

"So what's the deal with you and Yuri?" Chaewon pours the milk to both glasses.

Yena confidently says that she'll confess on Monday. Chaewon smiles, giving the glass to Yena not forgetting to clink them. Chaewon is proud of Yena, it's probably the time for Yena to be happy. She sees how Yuri positively changes Yena, into a better version of her. Chaewon never says those kinds of stuffs, it's too cringy for her liking. Knowing Yena, she probably knows Chaewon wishes her well.

"What about you?" Yena sipping her milk as if it's wine earning laughs from Chaewon.
"Me? What about me?" Chaewon joins Yena into this impromptu wine drinking roleplay.

Minjooㅡthe name that suddenly appears in this conversation. Chaewon was not having it at all as she continues gulping her milk. Yena rambles and insist that they were sort of flirting last night. Were they? Chaewon can't seem to recall, maybe she just doesn't care enough to remember.

"Ares, whose Ares? Is that your camgirl name?" Yena jokingly mocks Chaewon while whipping the milk on her face

"Shut up you uncultured swine." Chaewon replies as she steps on Yena foot earing a groan from the latter.

Yena sometimes think that Chaewon has some secret twin or whatever, maybe she's just bipolar. She was just snuggling with her few hours ago and now she treats Yena like a peasant. Zero to one hundred real quick. Although Yena prefers being treated as an uncultured peasant rather then having Chaewon being affectionate and sweet to her.

The afternoon passes just like that, Chaewon is busy doing who knows what in her room and there is Yena playing Xbox.

"You totally suck." Chaewon judges Yena at the back, shaking her head. Chaewon challenges Yena since she is bored at the moment, having a little fun won't hurt.

Chaewon is a loser in real life, she knows that. Apparently in games as well, losing to Yena in a game never crosses her mind. Chaewon sulks like a kid, as usual.

"Is Wonnie mad?" Yena teases Chaewon as suddenly Chaewon stares in horror at Yena. Yena is surprised by Chaewon's reaction, as if she said something she shouldn't be.

"Never call me that again." If looks can kill, Yena should be dead right now.

Yena is skeptical of Chaewon since this morning, something is off. With Eunbi too. Not having any of this anymore, Yena grabs Chaewon's collar and glares at her. Chaewon pinches Yena's fluffy cheeks in return. They are having an intense staring contest before breaking it into a small wrestling competition within themselves at the sofa

Yena and Chaewon's feet are tangled within each other as Yena is on top of Chaewon. Sweats are dripping everywhere, panting heavily as Yena still holds Chaewon's collar but pausing as both of them utterly exhausted. Yena is hovering Chaewon, she never realizes how beautiful Chaewon is, not at how she somehow reminds her of Yuri. But, Yuri is alot more gorgeous, RIGHT?  Yena is having an internal mind battle against herself, did she actually thinking her and Chaewon can be more than just platonic? Yena shakes her head rapidly, what was she thinking about Chaewon? She was snapped back to reality as Chaewon slaps her cheeks so hard, it has marks.
"The fuck you were zoning out." Chaewon mutters as she gently caress Yena's jawline.

"Are you two officially together or what now?" Chayeon eyed both Chaewon and Yena. The fact that the both of them didn't even fix their position bothers Eunbi, more than she thinks it will.

Chaewon bites Yena's ear as well as kicking her off the herself, Yena falls with a loud thud. Chaewon couldn't care less. "Disgusting."

Yena is confused with what to feel right now. Should she be thankful that Chaewon called her disgusting or is she supposed to be offended? The fact that Chaewon bit her ear, she can still feel Chaewon's teeth glazed on her ear. Should Yena feel aroused or not she can't decide. The only thing she can decide is that she should sleep the night and prays that these types of unholy thoughts should disappear.


a lil woolimz and yenwon tease oopㅡ btw i think i am going to make this a slowburn fanfic :) maybe ooof more 2kim interactions in the future!

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