13. Back Again

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Chaewon can be sentimental as well from time to time

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Chaewon can be sentimental as well from time to time. The word parents crosses her mind, she sometimes wonder what would her life be if she has her parent's around her. Regrets, Chaewon often regret that she didn't share a lot of memories with her parents and the fact that she feel she failed as a daughter since she haven't made them proud. Can she even make them proud if they are still alive? She is unsure.

Of course city is just simply urban, just like she imagined. Tall buildings in an exact grid pattern, ubiquitous skyscrapers are smudged by the smog-filled sky, no sunlight, no birds. Cars race between red traffic lights, stubbornly flickering in the grey. Chaotic, like Chaewon's current state.

Chaewon rent a rooftop apartment to stay, she just need a moment to escape from reality, basically the chaos she creates amongst her friends. She changes to comfortable clothes to wear and prepare something to entertain her at night. Chaewon swirls the whiskey in her glass, listening to the chinking of the ice cubes with staring at the dark night sky, breathing in a fragrance that only years in an oak barrel can achieve with a tint of mint. Already the worries of her days are beginning to fade, maybeㅡeven before the first taste. How long has she skipped school? two or three days she assumes.

So it has been three days, Chaewon turns off her phone. Avoiding all communications, is her plan but then maybe it's time. Not within seconds, her phone blasts with notifications. She groans, maybe this is a bad idea. She then sees a video call request from Minjoo, Chaewon contemplates on whether she accept it or not. She eventually gives up as she answers.

"It's been awhile Minjoo." Chaewon says as she plays with the whiskey in her hand.

"Come back, i miss you." Minjoo mumbles as she avoid looking at Chaewon yet she continues, "where the fuck are you at though?"

Chaewon giggles as she avoids answering Minjoo's question. The girl realizes that she's not at the dorm, the background of the pastel haired girl seems to be at their secret meeting place, the cafe.

"Why are you alone at the cafe? Shouldn't you be at the dorms this hour?" Chaewon sips her whiskey. Minjoo fiddles her finger, face flushes like a tomato as she stirs her tea.

"You're cute, i will be back soon."

Minjoo nods yet unable to show her face to Chaewon due to embarrassment. Chaewon then calls Minjoo repeatedly to gain the latter's attention.

"Hey Minjoo.." Chaewon stares at the girl. Minjoo nods as she put her attention to the strawberry haired girl.

"I'm sorry, sorry for everything." Chaewon pouts then puts her drink of the table to pour some more whiskey.

It's not a surprise if Minjoo has a soft spot for Chaewon, it's noticeable. Minjoo was hurt by the latter's action after the whole session happened but then Minjoo thinks that there is a reason behind that so technically she has forgiven the girl as quick as when Chaewon walks out the door with Yena.

Minjoo sees that Chaewon is acting kind of weird, tipsy? maybe. Minjoo then sees Chaewon, who seems very unstable. "What are you drinking? Are you drunk?"

Chaewon is probably intoxicated by the amount of whiskey she hadㅡshe is drunk but still conscious. Chaewon smiles as she just shows the whiskey to Minjoo as the latter can just shakes her head. Chaewon starts to strip tease as she teasingly unbuttons her shirt , Minjoo chokes at the tea she is sipping.

"What the fuck, stop." Minjoo warns Chaewon as she gaining composure after choking. The strawberry girl laughs out loud at the sight of Minjoo struggling, sometimes Minjoo thinks that Chaewon is a lowkey a sadist.

"Stop lying, you actually want me to continue." Chaewon rolls her eyes yet smirks as Minjoo's cheeks turns bright red, "shut up."

After a few minutes, they hang up the video call because Chaewon is actually about to strip, Minjoo won't allow that behavior since she is in the cafe. She maybe allow Chaewon if she was in the dormsㅡmaybe.

Morning hits Chaewon like a truck, she is struck by an intense hangover. She chugs a lot of water, then showers as quick as possible to prepare to go to a place. That place is her parents graveyard, it's been  a while since Chaewon visits the place. She doesn't even remember what flower her parents like so she buys every types of flower in the shop nearby. As she is about to leave, two married couple approaches her.

"Hey Chaewon, it's been awhile." The older woman puts her hands out to shake Chaewon's hand as the old man smiles.
"Hey, Mr and Mrs Kim." Chaewon politely bows. Chaewon is familiar with them, they are the ones who technically is involved with her parent's accident. They are just technically involved because it was apparently their daughter's fault.

Chaewon's parents are just casually driving when suddenly a girl, wanted to cross the road but was too focused on her phone so she didn't know it was green light for the car. Chaewon's parents then honked at the girl but the girl was frozen as she was shock. As a result, Chaewon's dad tried his best to avoid the girl. They successfully avoided the girl and the girl is safe but unfortunately both of them didn't survive.

It was tragic, Mr and Mrs Kim came to Chaewon's house without their daughter since apparently their daughter had trauma. Mr and Mrs Kim apologized for her loss, Chaewon forgive them yet she was curious of the daughter but actually never saw her.

Back to the present, Chaewon hugs both Mr and Mrs Kim as she then goes back to the apartment. Chaewon suddenly slaps her forehead, she forgot to ask Mr and Mrs Kim who is their daughter's name. She has been mysterious for the past few years, Chaewon has no gruge over the girl. She just want to know whether she has overcome her trauma.

It has been five days since Chaewon went away. It's already Friday, she decides to pack her bags and go back to the dorm, solving all the mess she made. The journey back home is quite exhausting, Chaewon knocks the door at her dorm. The door is opened by Yena, as she enters the room someone punches her stomach, it is Chaeyeon.

"What the fuck Lee, is that how you treat me after i go missing?" Chaewon rubs her stomach yet Chaeyeon then approaches. Chaeyeon then hugs Chaewon and cries, wetting Chaewon's clothes.

"She was worried you fool, we all were." Eunbi states meanwhile Chaewon is consulting Chaeyeon by assuring her that she's alright. Yena just stares at the sidelines, Chaewon furrows her eyebrows.

"Sorry for kissing you i guess?" Chaewon wheezes at the weird apology then Yena shakes her head saying that she is thankful. Chaewon is genuinely lost. Yena then throw her details that when she is gone, Yuri and her made up and now they are officially together because of Chaewon.

"Wait you guys kissed?! When?!" Eunbi screams in horror, defeaning the whole dorm. Yena and Chaewon just chuckles and explain that it happened after Chaewon and Minjoo had sex.

"Wait you had sex with Minjoo?!?" It's Chaeyeon's turn to yell, defeaning the dorm once more. "Then you left?! What an asshole." Chaeyeon glares as Chaewon scoffs.

"That explains why Minjoo seems to be sexually frustrated this week" Eunbi states as both Yena and Chaeyeon sending death glares to Chaewon yet the latter just casually shrug.


Another glimpse of Chaewon's past uwu hope you guys enjoy it sorry for the the late update btw hehe

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