31. Against The World

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The squad rushes to the clinic knowing that Chaewon is there, of course Minjoo brings bread and Chaewon favorite mint chocolate ice cream

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The squad rushes to the clinic knowing that Chaewon is there, of course Minjoo brings bread and Chaewon favorite mint chocolate ice cream. "You shouldn't skip meals you know." Minjoo rolls her eyes at the girl who is just smiling.

Chaewon looks around, she's thankful that the whole squad come to check on her. She makes sure she eats the bread and ice given by Minjoo since Eunbi keep on lecturing her, so does Chaeyeon.

"Can i have a moment with Minjoo please? Just the two of us?" Chaewon suddenly mutters as Eunbi caught on that Chaewon probably wants to ask more information about her parents. Eunbi nods as she basically drags the others who are either howling or complaining, none in between.

Now it's just the two of them, in the clinic. Chaewon is just finishing her ice cream whereas Minjoo is standing awkwardly near the bed. Chaewon chuckles at how Minjoo is acting and decides to pat the bed beside her, telling Minjoo to sit beside her.

"My parents are actually alive huh?" Chaewon's tone is ambiguous, Minjoo can't seem to guess what Chaewon is feeling right now. Does that mean Chaewon hates her now? Or that Chaewon wants revenge? Minjoo is genuinely lost.

"And the grave was a fake? The corpse wasn't my parents?" Chaewon laughs, seemingly losing her mind. Minjoo understands. If Minjoo is in Chaewon's shoes, she'd probably has a huge mental breakdown and cry. "C-chaewon.."

Minjoo faces Chaewon who focuses on the ice cream cup yet freeze as Chaewon suddenly faces her as well. The girl leans in as Minjoo closes her eyes, who apparently is expecting something else.

"Why are you closing your eyes? I want to ask you something, not kiss you dumbass." Chaewon rolls her eyes but keeps her smug look. Minjoo backs away as she hides her red face.

"Do you love your parents?" Chaewon asks the girl seriously. Minjoo, who was fanning herself due to embarrassment suddenly stops because of the question. Honestly speaking, of course every child loves their parents. No matter how much you hated them, you'd still love them deep down in your heart.

Just as Minjoo about to reply Chaewon, the girl cuts her. "Of course, you do. What am i thinking." She chuckles as she sidehugs Minjoo. Chaewon pulls away, both of them are now just staring at each other. Lost in each other's eyes. The thick air surrounding them is killing both parties. Chaewon decides to break it down.

Chaewon's lips brush against Minjoo's. Not innocently like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. Minjoo wants to pull away before she loses herself but she can't seem to. In this minty moment, her senses have been seduced and Minjoo can no longer think straight. The nurse can walk in any second but none of them care right now. Minjoo just misses Chaewon yet feels sorry for the latter.

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