27. Tokyo Final + Foul Information

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"Chaewon? Minjoo?" A voice that irks Chaewon

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"Chaewon? Minjoo?" A voice that irks Chaewon.

"It's been a while Hitomi." Chaewon rolls her eyes as Minjoo seems to nudge the latter. Hitomi changed a lot, she has pastel pink hair now and with a girl whose as short as en elf.

"What a coincidence we bump into each other am i right?" Hitomi smiles as both Minjoo and Chaewon isn't fazed at all.

Hitomi then stop beating around the bush and apologize for everything she did back in Korea to them at school. The latter says she regretted her actions and was blinded by love. Apparently when Hitomi transfers back to Japan, she met Nako. Hitomi then gush for a long minute how Nako changed her life, Minjoo was so into the story whereas Chaewon just wanted to leave.

After a chat with both Nako and Hitomi, they part ways. Of course both Chaewon and Minjoo are heading to the Tokyo Tower as tomorrow they are heading back to Korea, it's the only chance that Chaewon can satisfy Minjoo.

Chaewon wants to give something special but due to insufficient timing, she only can bring the girl to the Tokyo Tower. They proceed to go inside and go up with a lift which is heading to the top of the tower where people can enjoy Japan's city view at night. Although this isn't Chaewon's first time, she can't help it to be amazed every single time.

Minjoo gasps at the sight, it is glorious. She can't help but to let out a big smile as she jumps up and down like a kid, not forgetting to thank Chaewon a million times. The place is kind of empty maybe because it's weekdays, but nonetheless having Chaewon by her side is more than enough.

As both of them stare as the exquisite sight, Minjoo faces Chaewon who seems to be lost in the view. "Will you sing for me?"

Chaewon faces the girl in disbelief and chuckles, then she shakes her head but Minjoo isn't having it. "But, i want to hear you sing." She pouts and as always, Chaewon gives in.

But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms
And if you like having secret little rendezvous
If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do
Then baby, I'm perfect
Baby, I'm perfect for you
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
Baby, you're perfect
Baby, you're perfect
So let's start right now

"I always love it when you sing." Minjoo side hugs Chaewon whereas Chaewon just shrugs and rolls her eyes like usual. As they are enjoying the night sky, Chaewon receives a text. Minjoo can't help to notice but it is from her homeroom teacher, Ms Kang. Since when Chaewon and Ms Kang are close? Probably because of Sakura? Minjoo doesn't even know anymore.

Sadly, Ms Kang told them that they must go back to the hotels because they have an early flight. Although Minjoo wants more time to spend with Chaewon, she's already thankful for having a night runway in Tokyo together.

Minjoo is quite suspicious regarding Ms Kang and Chaewon but she will investigate next time, she's too tired right now. As they arrive and lay on their bed, Chaewon is about to go out again. "Where are you going?" Minjoo's voice seems so flat, lowkey scares Chaewon.

Chaewon is contemplating whether or not she tell the truth or lie again this time. As Chaewon is busy by her own thoughts, Minjoo cuts Chaewon.

"To Ms Kang's room again huh?" The tone in Minjoo's voice was calm yet frightening. Chaewon feel this way coming since the time when Minjoo saw Hyewon texting her at the tower. Chaewon can't say she's surprised at Minjoo, she expects the latter finds out somehow. She knows Minjoo isn't dumb, probably she asked Yujin to call Eunbi and didn't hear Chaewon's voice except for Chaeyeon.

"Just clearing some past problems regarding Sakura. I just don't want you to be hurt because it might hit close to home." Chaewon mutters as she walks to the door.
Minjoo is totally confused? What does Chaewon mean? Why would hit it close to home?

"If you wondering, by that i mean your parents." is the last words Chaewon says before heading to Hyewon's room. Her parents? Minjoo is definitely confused. Minjoo does respects her parents due to them being there for her through rough times such as the traumatic phase but besides that her parents just cares about her grades and nothing more.

Minjoo runs her finger on her hair and bang her head on the pillow out of frustration. Minjoo knows that Hyewon is somehow tied up with her family, but it never cross her mind that it could be out of Hyewon's consent or just plainly Hyewon being forced into agreeing into taking care of Minjoo.

Minjoo doesn't want to be useless as she wants to dig more about her family and help Chaewon somehow with information that only Minjoo can obtain. She decides to call her parents saying that she would like to stay for two days and not at the dorm's because she wants to share her experience.

Everything went so fast, in a blink of an eye they are back to Korea again. Minjoo can't help to feel dissatisfied with the trip but then it was a great runaway. Minjoo calls her parents that she's on the way.
"You're going to your parents house for a while? Chaewon might misㅡ" Yena feels a punch on her sides which makes her stop and nervously smiles. Chaewon just waves so does the others. Minjoo can't wait to see Chaewon's happy face when she provides her useful information to help rebuild both Sakura's and Hyewon's relationship.

It's been awhile since Minjoo goes back home, the nostalgic feeling hit her like a truck. Small details on the road changes, some nearby shops closes. Minjoo smiles, she's happy to be back home or does she?

Minjoo plans to surprise her parents by appearing by the door suddenly but it seems impossible because she hears a lot of shouting from inside the house. She tiptoes closer to her house to be able to eavesdrop the debating that's occurring inside the house.

"Jesus Christ! I told you that we should get rid of Chaewon when we had the chance and now she's close to our daughter !" Minjoo's father yells, Chaewon? What about her?

"Well it's not my fault that you were jealous of Taehyung's growth on the company and you just had to use your dirty ways to make him bankrupt!" Taehyung? Is that Chaewon's dad? Wait so it was my dad's doing that Chaewon's family has financial problems?!

Dad then shouts back at mom, "As if it can get any worse, our daughter had to be caught up in an accident with them!"

"It was funny on how they actually agreed to fake their death! Well technically they didn't agree, we forced them to agree or we will hurt Chaewon!" Both Minjoo's parents laughs.

Minjoo was frozen, she didn't expect to hear this type of news. She come here to investigate about Hyewon and Sakura but she gets this instead. Minjoo was about to fake knock as she tries to pretend she just arrive but her parents seems to be in another conversation.

"Seeing Chaewon suffer because of her parent's fake death was amusing, well we had to have a payback because they put our daughter in a terrible trauma state." Minjoo's mother states.

"We tried our best so Minjoo and Chaewon won't cross paths but we failed! As well as Hyewon!" Minjoo's dad yells as it surprises Minjoo.

Despite of Minjoo's qualms, she prepares a fake smile and tries to act that she didn't hear anything about it. She knocks her door loudly, as she is welcomed by her parents who seems also putting a great fake smile.

"It's nice to be back home!" haha as if.


Did you guys expected that? u w u more drama upcoming up! I will try my best to update as soon as possible ♡

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