24. Tokyo 001

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"You have Minjoo now, do you?"

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"You have Minjoo now, do you?"

Those are the same words that had been replaying in Chaewon's head. Does she? She is unsure. Of course she knows that Eunbi is rooting her to be happy but is this the right choice?

Time flies so fast, it's the the day that they are leaving to Japan. It's been Minjoo's dream and to be able to achieve it seems to unreal. They were told to meet up at the main gate of the airport so they can grab their tickets.

At this early hour the airport is as serene as it ever is. The people move with ease, quiet rivers of humanity freshly roused from their slumber. The floors are clean and white, reflecting the early rays and the manmade light the same. Minjoo is texting their groupchat, asking where are they as she is the first person to arrive in their squad.

Waiting for squad, Minjoo decides to just chat with some of her classmates to buy some time. After a couple of minutes, she sees Yujin and Wonyoung waving at her. Mainly an energetic Yujin followed by a sleepy Wonyoung. Although Wonyoung is sleepy, she couldn't help but notices that Minjoo applies a bit more make up than usual.

"Hey, you can be bare-face and Chaewon will still like you." Wonyoung states, a little to loud which results in some laughter from the students beside them. Minjoo wants to dig a whole right now. One by one, their squad arrives, as Eunbi and Chaewon are the last one to come.

Minjoo just adores Chaewon's fashion sense, surely she likes Chaewon is school uniforms as well but casual Chaewon is a whole different kind of Chaewon. Having Chaewon standing there puts Minjoo in a daze, as Yujin nudges the latter back to reality.

"You are beautiful." The words slips out of Minjoo's mouth as Chaewon smirks in return.

After waiting for all seventy five students and fifteen teachers, they grab their tickets and proceed to the plane. Minjoo is bumped up that she can't sit next to Chaewon since they are assigned to sit according to their tickets. Before she can sulk more, someone come up to her. It is her classmate, Ryujin.

"Hey, you probably want to sit next to your girlfriend right? You can just switch places with me. Well they didn't say we aren't allow to switch places right? So yeah." Ryujin smiles and gives her a thumbs up.

"Chaewon is not my girlfriend by the way!" Minjoo pouts yet whispers the word "yet" to her herself, Ryujin just rolls her eyes.

Chaewon can't wait to just knock herself out on the plane, she's tired. Knowing that the flight roughly only lasts for an hour or more, she can use that precious time to sleep. Unlike other students who calls out their friends and discuss about their plane seats, Chaewon doesn't care. She only knows that Ryujin is sitting beside her as she was practically screaming and asking people around, and also Yeonhee who answers Ryujin.

Chaewon usually likes to book airplane seats near the window because she just likes to see cloud floating and sometimes tries to draw them as well while killing time. Knowing that Ryujin gets that seat, she won't bother to exchange with the girl because they aren't that close.

The students board the plane according to their classes, technically Chaewon's class first then Minjoo's so that it's easier of the teachers to handle.

Minjoo is fidgety all the time as she can't wait to spend time with Chaewon and the Japan trip itself. Minjoo is smiling to herself when Yujin nudges her.

"So i heard you and Ryujin will switch seats?" Yujin wriggling her eyebrows.
"Well she wants to sit beside Lia so why not? it's a win-win situation." Minjoo rolls her eyes as Yujin laughs

Chaewon is dozing off on Yeonhee's shoulder since they are close due to some class projects when suddenly someone seems to cough loudly. The latter opens her eyes while yawning. "Minjoo?"

Minjoo is practically glaring at Yeonhee as Chaewon sits up straight. Minjoo then cramp herself to her seat near the window. Chaewon immediately leans on Minjoo's shoulders, freezing the latter. "Let me sleep, i am tired." Then follows by a soft and steady breathing.

From the window of the plane the wing engine is semi illuminated, the lower half shining around the rim, the upper half several shades darker. As the plane dips the line between shadow and light moves, and all the while Minjoo listens to the hum of the rotors as they take off.

"Hey, i know you are Chaewon's girlfriend. Chaewon was just laying on my shoulder because she expected Ryujin." Yeonhee states as she continues, "I have a girlfriend too so don't be jealous."

Minjoo is embarrassed for her own behavior.
"I am not jealous." Minjoo whispers as she is afraid Chaewon will hear their conversation and clown her. Yeonhee and Minjoo become great friends as they chatted softly to not bother Chaewon who is in the middle of them.

The plane lasts an hour or so as they arrive at Haneda Airport. Minjoo softly pokes Chaewon's cheek to wake the girl up. Having no reaction, Minjoo pokes harder. Chaewon groans as her eyelids feel heavy, letting out a yawn.

They all board the bus, Minjoo doesn't miss her chance seating beside Chaewon. The weather itself is amazing. It is one of those baby-blue skies, not the psychedelic candy-blue nor the washed out grey so characteristic of mornings. The clouds were as puffs of radiant joy, ready to disperse into the wind, to travel our Earth. Chaewon watches them with Minjoo by side. Pure reflected rays dappled and swirling with sky, until all that remained was that perfect baby-blue, the same hue as before, as if inviting those born of wing to ride warm thermal air heaven-bound.

After a quick bus ride, they check in to their hotel. The teacher being kindhearted, they let the student choose their roommates. By default, Minjoo and Chaewon are roommates. Wonyoung and Yujin, Eunbi and Chaeyeon, last but not least, Yuri and Yena. They are ask to go to their respective room to take a rest, it is a free schedule to explore their own.

"I heard you were hyped up about Japan?" Chaewon tries to bring a topic for both of them to discuss on.

"Yeah, i always wanted to go to Japan." Minjoo replies as she unpacks her belongings. She is unpacking when she feels that she's bring dragged.

"Since we are having a free time, let's explore Japan right now then. We can't waste any time." Chaewon practically dragging the girl. Minjoo didn't mind it at all, Japan and Chaewon is the best combination she can think of right now.

Sorry I haven't updated for a long time, i had a writer's block so yeah. WELL I AM BACK SOOOO PREPARE FOR SOME SPICY DRAMA HEHE

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