28. Ignorance

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Minjoo is genuinely befuddled by the information she obtained that morning

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Minjoo is genuinely befuddled by the information she obtained that morning. She absolutely enjoyed the time with her parents and now it's just her and the bed in her old room. She ruffles her hair and ties it up in a messy bun. The girl wants to call Chaewon but too afraid if her parents will hear it and decides to make the latter suffer. The least thing Minjoo wanted in life is to see Chaewon suffer because of her.

Staring at the ceiling as her mind travels around, Minjoo sighs for the nth time. The latter just realized when her parents told her that she was the girl that cause an accident towards Chaewon's parents, they purposely tried to destroy both Chaewon and her relationship, too bad that made them stronger. As she was about to text Chaewon, the girl hears a knock at the door. Of course, it has to be her mom.

"I heard from Ms Kang that you are doing well on your studies now, i am proud of you." Minjoo's mother hugs her daughter tightly whereas the latter rolls her eyes behind her back before putting another sets of fake smile.

"Of course mom, i need to get back on the top and make sure you and Ms Kang are satisfied." Minjoo says trying to convince her mom to talk about Hyewon and it worked.

Minjoo's mother then follows up that Ms Kang told her that Minjoo misses last history session because she fell asleep and that Chaewon is her roommate. "Chaewon is  a bad influence dear, you should try to lessen the time you spend together. You should stick to Wonyoung, she's a great friend." Minjoo just nods so she would not cause a mess, of course the only thing that her parents care about is her academic performance and nothing else.

Minjoo wonders why Ms Kang told her mother about her missing class but didn't share the information that they sneaked out during the night. Minjoo automatically assumes that Hyewon is somehow on her side more than her parents, as she supposedly.

Truthfully speaking, Minjoo was bothered how Hyewon pays attention to her too much and gave her credit when Minjoo didn't do a lot. Now she realizes that she may be was threatened by her parents.

"I never asked but how did you meet Ms Kang?" Minjoo straightforwardly questions her mother. Minjoo's mother stares at her daughter strangely since she usually never curious. "I met her in a Cafe."

A café? Could it be the usual cafe that Chaewon and her hang out often? Probably since that's the place where Sakura works. Recalling her past conversation with Chaewon, Hyewon and Sakura has a complicated relationship. Truthfully speaking, honestly it's not as complicated as Chaewon's and hers but Minjoo isn't going to judge.

Time flies faster than ever, Minjoo is now back at the dorm and is welcomed by the whole crackhead squad. Chaewon sees that something is off about Minjoo since the latter seems to be ignoring her, she makes sure she'll ask about the latter regarding the problem. Wonyoung nudges Minjoo hardly as if seems the main goal of the tall beanpole is to break Minjoo's ribcage. Minjoo then scowl whereas Wonyoung just rolls her eyes while mouthing the word 'weak'.

"Why are you ignoring Chaewon?" Wonyoung furrows her eyebrows as she continuously chewing her bubblegum.

"I am not." Minjoo avoids eye contact as she  pretends to be busy.

"Whatever is going on, better fix it." Wonyoung pats Minjoo's back as the latter smiles back.

Minjoo decides to unpack her things and maybe laze around the dorms but she can't just shurg off the information she obtained about Chaewon. Knowing that lazing around won't do shit, Minjoo decides to get some fresh air near the park. "I never thought of meeting you here."

Eunbi comes with a sprite in her hands, is Minjoo even surprise anymore? Come to think about it, Minjoo never had a proper chance to have a chat with Eunbi. This is the first time that it is only consist them. Minjoo suddenly widens her eyes and snaps her fingers, shocking Eunbi who almost drops her sprite.

"Jesus christ you almost made me drop my sprite." Eunbi jokingly chuckles but stops as she sees Minjoo's solemn face.

Minjoo fiddles with her fingers, contemplating whether or not she should share this information to Eunbi. Technically speaking, she's the closest one to Chaewon and right now is just the two of them.

Seeing Minjoo nervously acts, Eunbi become restless. Why? She doesn't even know. Eunbi's instincts tells her that what Minjoo might about to say is something she won't like or something unexpected to hear.

"What is it? You got me all nervous by your serious look." Eunbi tries to lighten the atmosphere surrounding them as she sips her sprite.

"Okay might as well cut the bullshit off, Chaewon's parents is still alive."

It takes seconds for Eunbi to successfully digest the bomb Minjoo had just drop as she then spats out her sprite and coughs. Minjoo pats Eunbi's back to help the latter although she feels sorry dropping it out of the blue.

"This better be a joke Kim Minjoo." Eunbi grabs Minjoo's collar tightly yet the latter shakes her head.

Everything clicks now for Eunbi, that's probably the reason why Minjoo has been ignoring Chaewon since the moment she arrives.

Eunbi then interrogates Minjoo on how she come up with that conclusion. The latter then expounds that she overhears her parents conversation. Throwing her sprite can to the trash as she approaches the girl.

"Does Chaewon know?" Minjoo shakes her head left and right. Eunbi ruffles her hair as she's frustrated,  Minjoo and Eunbi agrees that it will be a secret between the two, for now. They decides to part ways since they have other important matters to handle.

As Minjoo calmly walks towards the school's corridor, she sees Chaewon at the other side. It's too late to ignore the girl, she can not run away. Of course Minjoo expects Chaewon to mutter her name and the latter did.

"Kim Minjoo." Chaewon's soft voice rings in Minjoo's ears. Minjoo misses Chaewon's voice that soothes her.

"Kim Minjoo, why are you ignoring me?" This Chaewon is cold, giving chills against her spine. The authority in Chaewon's voice seems to awaken Minjoo as she feels weak. Minjoo feels Chaewon's long nails against her back. In a blink of an eye, she's in Chaewon hands. Minjoo lets out a shaky breath, her knees seems to give up on her.

Minjoo closes her eyes as she enjoys the warmth she has been yearning for. Minjoo wants to tell Chaewon but this isn't the right time and she must find out more prove. Sorry is all Minjoo can mutter to Chaewon as tears falls subconsciously, wetting Chaewon's clothes.

Chaewon let go the hug and cups Minjoo's face, whipping her tears. "Don't be a cry baby, i am not mad at you dummy."

A little did Chaewon know that Minjoo isn't crying because she thought that Chaewon is mad, it's more that.


OOF how is the update? I will try my best to update everyday (probably a lie but oh well) the real question is what will Minjoo do?

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