26. Tokyo 003

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Sweat dripping off Chaewon as the sun glazes against her skin, as if her head isn't about to explode because of some history she don't care about, the sun seems to be fucking around with her as well

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Sweat dripping off Chaewon as the sun glazes against her skin, as if her head isn't about to explode because of some history she don't care about, the sun seems to be fucking around with her as well. Truthfully speaking, the whole class is basically whining because of the heat. It is definitely too hot to handle right now.

"Is this a desert or what? I'm melting." Yena groans as she fans herself with her small hands. Chaeyeon and Eunbi nods in agreement. Yujin sighs for the nth time whereas the history enthusiasts group, Wonyoung, Yuri and Minjoo seemingly unbothered.

"You know what, fuck it. I am leaving." Chaewon rolls her eyes as she struts away from the group. Eunbi, Yena, Chaeyeon and Yujin decides to follow the latter to the nearest public library to cool down. They quietly enters the library and find a space for all of them to settle themselves.

Chaewon glances at the current place she is in right now. Row after row of neatly lined up books with their spines facing outward, colour coded with dots. Fiction section arranged in alphabetical order beside the young adults section. Children's section with low shelves and floor cushions. Comfortable leather arm chairs, tables for quiet study, librarian at help desk who hushes the atmosphere punctured by the occasional child's laugh. Expensive carpet on the floor, computers for surfing the web and a lot more.

The squad decide to plop themselves on the arm chairs and relax. All of them let out a relief sigh as they finally get out of the sun and those gibberish history context that they do not care about.

"Hey Yujin, tell me more about Ms.Kang" Chaewon states out of the blue. Yujin stares at Chaewon as she squints her eyes. The rest faces Chaewon as they look at her suspiciously.

"You are going to ditch Minjoo for a teacher now? What the f-" Yena unable to continue her sentence as Chaewon kicks her which results in a loud fall and a hush from the librarian.

Chaewon holds her temples to control her anger. She sighs as she looks at Yujin, wanting some answers. Yujin explains that Ms Kang is a great homeroom teacher as she gives free snacks for the top ten student in the class. That some helps Yujin to improve her grades as she was jealous that some of her classmate was able to eat.

Chaewon nods, it's not a secret that Hyewon loves food. She'd choose food over everything, well not over Sakura maybe.

"What is Minjoo's and Hyewon's relationship like? From what i see, her parents seems to put so much trust in Hyewon. As for Hyewon, she seems to obey them no matter what?" Chaewon calmly states as rest seems to be very confuse on where this conversation is heading.

"So, i am confused right now. Are you into Minjoo or the teacheㅡ" Yena get her shin kick by Chaewon who has a cold stare. Yena understands that she probably should shut the fuck up.

Yujin continues to provide information to Chaewon, for example on how Hyewon has favoritism. Minjoo is mainly the main character although Yujin doesn't understand why when Wonyoung is the top at their class. Chaewon ruffles her hair in frustration, something feel off and she knows it.

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