-The Out Break-

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David's Pov:

Today was like any other day,Me doing the same routine. Waking up every morning and getting dressed, make breakfast and set up my recording for a new video, then edit it once I'm done if I feel like it and eat dinner and go to sleep. Sounds normal right? Well that's how I thought today was going to be until I got a call from my roommate aka my best friend Brian..

At first I thought he was just joking, but then he told me to turn on the news and see for myself. The moment I realized he was telling the truth I dropped my phone and quickly rushed to pack as much supplies as I can. I picked the phone up and told Brian to meet me at the apartment as soon as possible and to bring more supplies. I can't believe this is happening! This has to be a nightmare or something, Brian will surely wake me up any second now right!? I splashed water on my face from the sink to make sure I wasn't dreaming, unfortunately I wasn't dreaming at all. This is actually happening! I'm focking panicking right now!!

It's been three hours since the out break was announced on the news. I barricaded the apartment from the widows to the door with what I could find around here, I've been trying to call Brian back but it just goes straight to voicemail. I'm so worried! What if something happened to him.. I don't know what to do in a situation like this.. I peaked out the window to see if he's out there yet but still no sign of him, in fact there's no sign of anyone around. Everyone must have bailed out of town already. The streets were empty..

It's gonna get dark out soon, I hope Brian makes it back here real soon.. I'm so scared right now. I hope if he does make it back that he at least brought some weapons, the deadliest thing here is a fork. We should already have owned a weapon by now just in case of an intruder. Well in this case now it's zombies.. I paced back and forth through the apartment thinking about what's going to happen now that the world is like this. Why today? Why did it have to happen now..

I sat near the window in the kitchen checking out the window ever minute. The sun has already set and it's nothing but darkness out there. I'm so worried about Brian, maybe I should go out and look for him. Well maybe not tonight since it's more dangerous out right now. I'll wake up first thing in the morning to go search for him. As I started to head towards my room I heard light knocking coming from the barricaded door, Could it be Brian!? I quickly rushed to move the dresser out of the way so I could open the door, but as I opened it I found that it wasn't Brian.. It was one of those undead creatures themselves! I fell back trying to get away from it. It would come closer to me and would swing it's arms at me. I didn't have anything to defend myself! It chased me through my apartment knocking things down in its way, I tripped on the couch and fell and it tackled on top of me trying to bite my flesh. I panicked and grabbed the closest thing I could reach and with that I bashed it's head with my lamp. It only seemed to have stunned it for a couple of seconds but I wasted no time to get away from that thing. I hurried to the kitchen where I grabbed a knife. It came back to me but I pushed the chair in it's way and quickly started to stab it in it's head until it stopped moving. "Holy-" I said under my breath as I tried to catch it, I quickly wrapped the body in one of my rugs and tossed it out the window. Shit I hope it didn't bring it's friends..

I shut and locked the front door back up and pushed the dresser back against it and cleaned myself off. I went to my room to change into clean clothes since now I'm drenched in zombie blood, eww it stinks like death! I sighed as I laid down on my bed, "Don't worry Brian I'll find you.." I said to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

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