-Making New Allies-

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David's Pov:

Me and Brian was woken by the sound of the creaking metal door. I rubbed my eyes before squinting at the light. "Breakfast is done" a voice spoke. I saw a guy with long bleached blonde hair set two trays of food by the door. Me and Brian just stared blankly at him. They usually don't feed us until nighttime. They only ever give us food once a day which would explain why Brian was so skinny. "You better eat it before Toby comes to check on you guys, I'm not really supposed to give you anything right now so hurry up and eat so I can hide the trays." He said as he sighed and sent a small smile towards us. "Why are you being nice to us?" Brian asked not too sure about trusting this guy. "Because you're human just like me and we should be treated like equals." he answered. And with that I saw Brian hesitantly grab a tray and signaled me to get the other. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. There was two pieces of sausages on a plate and a small water bottle. Me and Brian gladly ate our food and hydrated. "You know, I haven't seen you here before." Brian spoke up after finishing his water bottle. "I'm kinda the loner at of the group. I don't really agree with how Fitz runs things here. I mean he's keeping innocent people as prisoners here for Christ sakes." He said as he sat down with us. "Then why stay here?" I asked curious. He sighed and looked down before answering. "Because I have no where else to go.. and I have someone here that I need to protect, he's really important to me." He said lowly. "It's not safe here anymore though.." he said quietly to himself. "What ya mean?" Brian asked. "...we started a war with another gang, your gang to be exact. You think there was a lot of blood shed during the raid well just wait because your men are coming back. A lot more people are gonna die.." he said as he fiddled with his hair. "I can't have Jaren here when that happens, so we're leaving sometime in the next two days." He spoke before continuing. "I was doing some thinking, we could help you guys get out of here hopefully before your friends burst in here. No one has to get hurt this way." He said as he looked back up at us. "Really? You're just gonna let us go?" Brian questioned not completely believing him. "I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't serious." He answered back as he stood up. "Okay well I have to go now before anyone gets suspicious, I'll come back later tonight to bring you guys some food and to talk. "He spoke as he picked up our empty trays and left closing the door.

I looked over at Brian to read an confused and hopeful expression. "You really think he'll help us out of here?" Brian asked as he stared at the metal door. "I really hope this isn't some sick trick to crush our hopes down, they'd do that. I've been long here enough to know that these guys are monsters.." Brian spoke sadly as he looked down at his dirty hands. "I've met a good bit of them too, but this guy seems different than them. I can tell he's good person, well from what I've seen so far. "I'd say we trust him for now, but if things end up turning for us we still the guys to back us up." I smiled as a reassuringly put my hand on his shoulder. "Alright, I'll trust your judgment..for now at least." He sighed. "Good, because one things for sure...we're getting out of here together no matter what." I said confidently making Brian send me a weak smile in return.

John's Pov:

I walked over to me and Jaren's room(well cell) and sat on the bed beside a worried looking cutie. "Hey Jaren! I got some good news." I spoke cheerfully to him giving him a small smile as well. He looked up from his lap and into my eyes. "They agreed to the plan, just like I said they would so don't worry too much. Plus they seem pretty cool and understanding so I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine." I spoke and he didn't say a word and just weakly smiled. My expression turned into a more worried one as I grabbed his hands gently. "Tell me What's on your mind." I asked looking into his beautiful brown eyes. "I'm scared...a-and worried.. like what if Fitz sends everyone out to kill us for betraying them? What if those two guys just cast us off once we help them out of here? What if something happens to you or I lose or something.." he sighed heavily as his hands started to shake a bit. "You're thinking too much about this, everything's gonna be fine I promise. We're gonna get out of here together." I spoke as I gently rubbed circles around his back. It seemed to have worked because I felt him loosen up and relax himself. "You're usually right plus you'd never lie to me so I trust you and this plan." He smiled softly at me as I gave him a peck on the lips and ruffled up his hair. "That's good to hear".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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