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David's Pov:

I was roughly awoken by loud bangs on my door. I sleepily rubbed my eyes and got up to answer the door. I was greeted by someone else who i didn't recognize. He wore a torn grey hoodie with a Banda around his neck with the omega symbol on it and dark jeans. "Rise and shine newbie" he chuckled. "I've been ordered to show you around here and show you what kind of work you will be doing here, so get what you need and meet me down stairs. Oh and by the way, you can call me Ohm" he said smiling as he walked away letting me have my privacy.

I folded my ragged blanket back up and laid it on my bed and grabbed my phone and placed it into my pocket and attempted to fix my hair a bit. I made my way down the creaky steps and saw Ohm talking to someone else that I haven't met yet. I walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention. He turned to my direction and smiled while the other guy that he was talking to gave me a glare. "Oh Cartoonz, this is our new troop!" He said in a excited tone but the guy he calls Cartoonz didn't look too happy to meet me. "This scrawny fuck is gonna be a troop? Ha! He won't make it on the first run" he said chuckling to himself. I clenched my first out of anger. I wanna say something back but I feel that it wouldn't be smart if I did since they will probably kill me if I talked back or did something. "Don't be a dick Toonzy! You never know, he could be pretty useful" Ohm huffed. At least someone is on my side around here. "Yeah yeah..whatever, he'll never replace squirrel though.." Cartoonz sighed looking down angrily. "You're right..no one could replace him but I'm sure he's in a better place now.." Ohm sighed patting Cartoonz on the back. "I'm sorry about your friend...I really am" I spoke up and smiled sadly at them. "Thanks" Ohm replied smiling back. "Okay let's get back on topic shall we? Follow me, I'll show you to the kitchen" he said signaling me to come with him.

He led me into a hallway with two big doors at the end of it. We walked through It and immediately the smell of smoke filled my nose. "What the hell are you burning Mini!?" Ohm yelled wiping the smoke away from his face with his hands. A short man with glasses and a apron on poked his head out from behind the kitchen counter. "Sorry my bad, I left the biscuits in the oven for too long" he chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Mini I want to introduce you to the newbie, he'll be helping you around the kitchen when he's not out on supply runs" Ohm said. "Good, I could use an extra pair of hands around here" he sighed and smiled. "Hopefully you're a better cook than Mini here" Ohm chuckled causing Mini to throw a burnt biscuit at him. "Fuck off!" Mini chuckled as Ohm walked out of the kitchen. I chuckled to myself at the two fight. It reminds me of me and Brian... my smile quickly turned into a frown. Mini must have noticed this and asked me what was wrong but I just shrugged it off. "Hey don't worry, I'm sure you'll fit in here in no time!" Mini said patting my back to make me feel better. "No it's not that.." I said moving his hand away and looked down. "I know you just met me and probably don't really wanna tell what's wrong but I want to know if that's okay" he said softly smiling. "It's just that you guys remind me of me and my friend" I sighed not making any eye contact. "What happened to your friend if you don't mind me asking" he said softly. "The day this whole mess happened..I lost touch with him and now I'm wondering if he's even still alive.." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm sure you'll find him, you just have to have some faith. And I know faith is something hard to find in a situation like this..but I know you can do it!" he said pulling me into a hug and I hesitantly hugged back. "I'm sorry you had to see that, I'm okay now.. let's move onto a different topic" I said leaving the hug and wiping my eyes. "Okay,how about we remake some new biscuits since I cremated these ones" he chuckled and I smiled in response.

Mini showed me how to make biscuits and what cooking utensils I should use. I placed globs of doe into the tray as Mini placed it into the oven. As we waited for the biscuits to bake we made small talk and talked about how our lives were like before this. As we took the baked biscuits out of the oven Vanoss and the hokey masked wearing guy walked in. The guy with mask just stood at the door as Vanoss walked towards our direction and tapped his fingers along the counter. "So..how's things going in here?" He asked looking around. "Every thing is going great, we just finished a fresh batch of biscuits" Mini replied smiling handing him a biscuit wrapped in a napkin. He took a bite of it and smiled. "Very good" he chimed. "I hope the new guy isn't giving you any trouble" he said raising an eyebrow while looking my direction making me nervous. "Oh no, he's been very helpful" Mini replied quickly smiling. "Hmm, that's good to hear. Speaking of the newbie, he needs a nickname that we can call him by" he said smiling. "What's your last name?" He asked and I replied as quick as I could. "N-Nagle"I stuttered. "Hmm, let's change and add some letters" he said squinting his eyes to think. "How about Nogla!" He snapped his fingers. "Nogla huh.. sounds okay to me." I said thinking about the nickname. I'm gonna go by Nogla for now on around here. It's much better than being called newbie for sure. "Alright! Nogla it is then" Vanoss stated. "Well I'll be on my way, i some things that I need to do" he said walking out of the room as the masked man followed. "What's with the guy in the mask? Is he like his bodyguard or something?" I ask curious. Mini just seemed to giggle at my question which confused me even more. "That's Delirious, rumors say that he's Vanoss's boy toy" he chuckled. "But you didn't hear that from me" he said laughing some more and I chuckled with him. "They both seem kinda of scary to be honest, I feel like if I breath wrong around the guy that he'll chop my head off or something" I said which only made him chuckle some more. "Delirious is actually one the nicest guys here other than Ohm and Moo and myself of course, and Vanoss isn't always like that. Believe it or not he's actually pretty chill, just never get on his bad side" he said letting out any last chuckles and composed himself. "I feel like that's very hard to believe" I scuffed.

I stayed in the kitchen for most of the day with Mini helping him cook for lunch and dinner. Tomorrow is gonna be my first supply run with the other troops. Mini said they split the troops into two groups and that each of the co leaders takes one group to lead. He told me to watch out for wildcat if I end up in his group because he can be very snappy and wished me good luck for tomorrow. I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty anxious about this. Hopefully everything goes well and that I won't run into any problems. I went off to my room and went to bed.

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